Chapter Sixteen

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"Let's go."

You followed next to Kuroo while his men and Bokuto's men went through the mansion. You eyed the assault gun in Kuroo's hand, seeing him carry the weapon with one hand while he walks next to you calmly. Bokuto had run off, wanting to get revenge on whoever, but he never told you a name. Akaashi walks with you and Kuroo, but he isn't holding a weapon like Kuroo nor Bokuto. You've watched men run by, shouting curses and names, but you didn't hear any bullets be fired.

You glanced at Kuroo. "How did you know where to find Bokuto?"

Kuroo glanced at you with question. "Nohebi is the only one who is in bad terms with everyone. It's only understandable they'd try to kidnap a leader."

You nodded your head in understanding. You looked at Kuroo with a slight angry expression. "So, you were part of a mafia this whole time. You knew about Oikawa, but you never told me about you. Were you stalking me?"

Kuroo stops in his tracks, looking at you with wide eyes. You stopped walking, waiting for his response as he gazed at you. Akaashi glanced behind, but he kept walking to the exit. Amidst of all the chaos, Kuroo keeps gazing at you and he never looks away when a noise breaks out. Kuroo takes a step towards you, but you don't move back.

"You really think I'd be stalking you?" Kuroo questioned, tilting his head a little. "I'm not the type of person, sweetheart." You blushed at the pet name. "I always remember a pretty face, but I'd never stalk you. The times we've met we're pure coincidence, but I enjoyed our time we spent."

You looked away, feeling your cheeks heat up from Kuroo's intense gaze. You pursed your lips, stuffing your hands into the jacket's pockets, the jacket that belongs to Kuroo. "Okay... I'm sorry for assuming. I'm just a little shocked to find out that you're a..."

"I know," Kuroo sighed, nodding his head. "You're not used to this life so you shouldn't be sorry. When we get back to Bokuto's, should I call Oikawa or someone else?"

"Daichi from Karasuno," you informed, Kuroo nodding his head. "I've been with them for a while now. I was with them when I got kidnapped."

"Kidnapped?" Kuroo questioned, starting to walk and you follow him.

You nodded your head. "Yeah. I was kidnapped by someone that kind of resembles a snake. He threatened to shoot Kageyama if I said anything. I didn't want Kageyama to be injured or possibly killed because of me."

Kuroo smiles softly at you. "You're really kind, [Name]."

You returned his smile, the two of you finally stepping out of the mansion. You noticed Bokuto standing on the lawn, his gun resting on his shoulders as his finger is away from the trigger. Akaashi is standing next to him as he talks to some men walking up to him. Bokuto has that blank expression on his features as he gazing while the men speak. You and Kuroo walk over to them, but a few men walked over to Kuroo before he could get to Bokuto and Akaashi.

"Hey Boss."

A man that's taller than Kuroo which intimidates you because he's so taller approaches you and Kuroo. The man has silver hair that's cut short, but kind of covers his forehead and catlike, slanted green eyes with thin eyebrows. Even his arms are long too and you aren't sure if this man has done steroids before.

"Lev, you normally don't approach me," Kuroo chuckled, Lev rubbing the back of his head. "What's happening?"

"It seems he isn't here," Lev stated, Kuroo raised his eyebrow.

Another man walks towards them, but compared to Lev and Kuroo, the man is incredibly short. He has light brown, short hair and his hair color matches his eyes. You watched as Lev rested his arm on the shorter man's head and it seemed to anger the shorter man. The shorter man kicked Lev in his shin and you cringed.

"What Lev means to say is that he escaped," the shorter man informed. "We looked everywhere, but he's not here. It seems he left before shit hit the fan."

Kuroo lets out a sigh. "There's nothing we can do besides keep an eye out for him. Thank you, Yaku and inform Akaashi before leaving."

Both men nodded their heads and walked away. You stood closer to Kuroo, feeling the soft breeze brush against your bare legs. Kuroo glanced down at you and he wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer to him. You didn't pull away because you're shivering and Kuroo just happens to be a nice human heater.

"We need to leave, Bokuto!" Kuroo shouted, Bokuto looking back at him.

Bokuto has a wide smile on his face, hands on his hips as he stands proudly. He looks at everyone on the courtyard. "Let's head home! You guys did a great job saving me and another person. No one was killed or injured. Good job!"

The men around you clap, some of them howling and yelling out in victory. Kuroo doesn't clap, just watching the others around him cheer while he's quiet. Bokuto walks over to the two of you, a smile on his features and as he walks over to the two of you, he's getting clapped on the back and punched in the arm. You gave Bokuto a smile when he stood in front of you and Kuroo.

"You trying to steal Oikawa's girl, bro?" Bokuto laughed.

Kuroo smirked. "Of course not. You know I'm not like that, bro."

You let out a groan. "I'm not dating him! It was only one date."

Bokuto's wide smile disappears while he looks to Kuroo. "I've been told that the police are on their way. Someone must have called the police while we're here. We're heading back to my place, right?" Kuroo nods his head. "Okay, we're gonna have to call a meeting too."

"Yeah. I'm going to call him in the morning," Kuroo stated, he glanced down at you. "Are you okay with waiting in the morning for Daichi?"

You nodded your head.

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