Chapter Nineteen

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"Hey, it's Oikawa's girl!" Bokuto shouted, a smile spreading across his face.

You, Daichi, and Oikawa decided to meet with Kuroo and Bokuto about the meeting you had with Ushijima. When you and Daichi had told Oikawa, he seemed so concerned for you, but he didn't voice it. You feel like Oikawa shows his emotions actions and maybe even his eyes. You felt your heart clench at the sad look in his eyes.

Your eye twitched. "Bokuto, I don't care if you have a lot of power. I will punch you in the face if you call me that again."

Bokuto chuckles, lifting his hands up defensively as he backs away from you. Kuroo laughs as he pats Bokuto's shoulder and Oikawa pouts, his arms crossed. Bokuto knows your name and he shouldn't be calling you that nickname because its not true and you only went on one date with Oikawa. You let out a sigh as you and the leaders move to the living room.

"So what brings you here?" Kuroo questioned, falling back into a chair.

"Ushijima threatened [Name]," Oikawa stated.

Kuroo narrowed his eyes. "You got straight to the point for once. When Ushijima sets his mind to something, he does it. You should know that, Oikawa."

"I don't think that's the point of this meeting," you stated, seeing Oikawa lower his gaze. You could practically feel the tension growing in the air and you feel as if you might choke if you don't speak. "Ushijima found me and I'm technically a magnet for mafias, but Ushijima might kidnap me if we don't deal with this."

"[Name]'s right. Even though Ushijima wants Aobajosai and Oikawa isn't going to give that up, he could kidnap [Name] and use her as ransom," Daichi explained, Kuroo and Bokuto turning their gaze to him. "Even though we've had multiple wars with Aobajosai, [Name] isn't part of any of this. She's just a normal citizen."

Kuroo turns his intimidating gaze to you. "[Name] is a regular citizen. She's seeing things that are consider private and she knows our faces. How do we know that she's not going to go to the police and sell us out? Why should we trust her?"

Daichi and Oikawa stay silent. You look at them, seeing that both of them aren't meeting your gaze. Bokuto has a blank expression on his features as Kuroo is still staring at you. You aren't even sure why you never went to the police. You know that they've done bad things, but why haven't you told the police? Why should they even trust you?

You know their faces. You know who they are. You know where all of them live. There is nothing really stopping you from turning them in. You've never really thought about this. You could literally put an end to all the gang wars and killings. They shouldn't trust you, but you met some of them even when you didn't know who they were.

In a flash, Kuroo stands up and he reaches behind him. He points his pistol at you, directly between the space of your eyes. You felt your legs tremble at the sight of another barrel of a gun pointing at you. You could see the seriousness and the cold expression on Kuroo's features as he gazed at you. Bokuto didn't jump in his seat as he watches the scene unfold.

"What are you doing, Kuroo?" Daichi questioned, stepping forward.

Bokuto points his gun at Daichi, his finger already on the trigger. Daichi steps back, his hand reaching behind him, but he doesn't pull out his own gun. You knew that Oikawa didn't come here with a weapon either besides a knife, but that's not very helpful in this situation. You gazed at Kuroo, fear coursing through you as he continues to point his gun at you.

"Kuroo..." You whispered.

"You could betray us at anytime, [Name]," Kuroo stated, his finger pressing the trigger slightly. "Why not just end the only person that could land us all in prison?"

You closed your eyes, inhaling deeply and exhaling as you opened your eyes. You slowly walked over to Kuroo, holding eye contact as you walked closer to him. Kuroo kept the same cold and serious expression, his eyes never wavering from yours. You stood in front of Kuroo, feeling the cold barrel right between your eyes. Kuroo doesn't say anything, just wondering what you're doing.

You lifted a shaky arm, knowing that there's a chance that Kuroo could shoot you. Your hand wrapped around the barrel of the gun, looking at him with fear and determination. You know that what you say next could literally be your last words. You gaze into Kuroo's hazel eyes, seeing no emotion swirling in them.

"Then do it," you said, your hand gripping the barrel tighter. "Pull the trigger if you think I'm that much of a threat, Kuroo."

Kuroo's gazed flickered to the trigger, but back at your eyes. When he blinks, his gaze softens a little bit, but he closes his eyes and his scrunch his face. He lets out a groan of frustration and he moves away, standing to the side as he glares at you. You let out a sigh of relief, your heart beating in your rib cage in a speed that you've never experienced before.

You literally thought Kuroo was going to shoot you. You didn't think Kuroo was like this since you've talked with him a few times. He seems to be the type to joke around and be serious when it comes down to it, but he always has a smirk or a smile on his features. You've never seen Kuroo act like that before, but you really haven't known him long enough to figure out his personality.

Bokuto put his gun away too. Daichi relaxing and Oikawa letting out a sigh. You dropped to your knees, feeling your limps go numb and you could only stare at the marble floor. You heard footsteps approach you, Daichi appearing at your side and his hands settle on your shoulders, gazing at you in concern. Oikawa is standing at your side, gazing at Bokuto and Kuroo.

"You should head home, [Last Name]," Bokuto said, standing up from the couch. "We'll talk about this a different time."


"Get the hell outta here!"

Kuroo's yelling caused you to flinch. Oikawa and Daichi walking over to you, both of them helping you stand up and the three of you walk towards the exit. You looked over your shoulder, seeing Bokuto talking to Kuroo, but Kuroo isn't looking at him. Kuroo keeps his gaze locked onto you, his jaw clenched as his eyebrows are furrowed, but his gaze isn't harsh.

You looked ahead of you, lowering your gaze to the floor as you and the other two leave the mansion. You weren't expecting things to turn out this way at all. You weren't expecting to see this side of Kuroo, but you understand why he wouldn't trust you. You just don't understand his change of heart towards you. Did you do anything to Kuroo that made him not trust you anymore?


You walked inside your old apartment, Daichi walking inside with you as well and Taemin greets the two of you. Oikawa had decided to go back to his home and you had asked Daichi if you could stop by your apartment before going to his place. Daichi watched as you sat down on the couch, Taemin joining you and you wrapped your arms around him.

"Is it okay if I spend the night here?" You asked, keeping your attention on Taemin.

"Of course."

You didn't say anything, but you heard Daichi's footsteps. You heard the opening of your door and the closing. You hugged Taemin a bit tighter, feeling the familiar sting in your eyes and nose as you start to cry. You didn't want to seem vulnerable in front of them and you didn't want Daichi to worry about you. You kept replaying today's events in your head and trying to think of a better way this could have happened.

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