Chapter Eighteen

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"Hey Daichi, can we talk about something?" You questioned, walking into his office.

You weren't shaken up by meeting Ushijima, but his methods are a little extreme. Jack and Tyler were concerned for you and Jack even gave you the day off and the next day as well. You ponder what might happen after you tell Daichi about the events with Ushijima, but you should tell him. You aren't going to hide it from you, but you should tell him.

"Sure," Daichi responded.

You nervously chuckled. "Well, while I was working, Ushijima kind of showed up at my job-"


"Yeah, and he kind of threaten me to give a message to Tooru," you continued, seeing the surprise on Daichi's features. "He's quite the person, huh? Anyways, he wants to meet with Tooru alone and he was serious that if I didn't, he'd carve the words into me."

Daichi let out a sigh, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "He's like that. Serious as old people during bingo, but I will inform Oikawa of this."

You gave Daichi a smile. "Okay! I have today and tomorrow off as well due to this events and I'm going to spend my time with my family. I haven't seen them in a while and I should spend time with my sister. Taemin is coming with me!"

Daichi watched you walk out his office as you waved at him over your shoulder. He smiles, glad that you don't seem bother by what happened with Ushijima, but he has to remind himself that you're starting to see these things as normal. Sugawara stated that you shouldn't be involved with the mafia life, but it's already happening.

You've been kidnapped twice actually, but your life was in danger in one of those situations. You were held at gun point and you also witnessed a gang war, but that was a long time ago. You've witnessed things that aren't consider normal for citizens.


"[Name]!" Evan exclaimed, a huge smile on his features.

You crouched down to take him in your arms and he laughed happily, Taemin running into the house. Your sister, [Sister's Name], gives you a smile as she steps aside to let you inside. Your mother nor father are home, but you remember the house exactly as you remember it when you first left to be independent.

"How are you doing?" [Sister's Name] questioned, following you to the couch with Evan in your arms. "You haven't really been easy to get a hold of."

You remembered the last time you've seen Evan. "I've been busy with work and I have Taemin to take care of since he's gotten sick recently. How are you and Evan?"

[Sister's Name] let out a sigh. "I feel as if someone's watching me, but... I don't know. Because I feel as if someone is watching me, I barely leave the house and I leave Evan here."

You ponder why she gets that feeling, but you could only wonder. Maybe you could ask Kageyama to keep an eye out on her because you rather not have something bad happen to your sister and her kid. They mean the world to you and just the thought of someone stalking her or maybe even following her makes you sick to your stomach and it makes you want to literally, physically, and mentally hurt someone. No one messes with your family.

Perhaps this is why Daichi treats the others like his family. He cares for them and will do anything for them, but are the others like that as well? Do they care about those in their gang? Is that why they get into gang fights, but you thought gang fights were to show dominance and fight for territory.

You will never understand the mafia life.

"You'll tell me if someone is actually stalking you, right?" You asked, raising an eyebrow.

She nods her head. "Of course."

You nodded your head and decided to pay attention to Evan, Taemin getting smothered with kisses and hugs by [Sister's Name]. This reminded you when you lived with your family and you miss them a lot, but you can't stay with them. You'll only bring them danger and you don't want them to be put in the situations you've been through or worse.

You care for them and you what to tell your sister what you've been through, but you don't want her to be concerned for you. If she thinks someone is following her then she might actually believe someone is following her. You just only hope that it's her imagination because you don't want anything to happen to her.

But the leaders have never met your sister at all and you haven't had time to spend with her since you've met Daichi. The only reason someone would be stalking her if the stalker has no ties to you and just might be stalking [Sister's Name] for her and not you. Or maybe someone has their eyes on her, use her as a blackmail, or possibly hurt her.

"I'll try to take a few days off just to annoy you," you said, glancing towards [Sister's Name]. "I know how much you love it when I annoy you."

"I hate it with every bone in my body," she stated, scowling at you. "You've only come here for food or holidays with family, but besides that, you're somewhat here. You've helped with Evan and I know it must be hard on you, but thank you, [Name], for being there."

You punched her in the arm lightly, [Sister's Name] letting out a hiss of pain. "You're my sister. You've helped me when I came home drunk from parties and you didn't tell mom or dad. Just remind yourself that if you need to talk or even if you're in a pickle, call me. I'll help you no matter what."

[Sister's Name] nods her head and she smiles, rubbing Taemin's head. You ruffled her hair and picked up Evan, standing up with him in your arms. You spun around with him, making him 'fly' through the air as you hold onto him and you laughed at his excited screams and laughs. He called for [Sister's Name] to save him, but she was 'held down' by Taemin.

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