Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Gazing at the dress on the bed, you wonder who could have possibly gotten you the dress. Terushima didn't get you the dress, then who possibly did? It's not like you in good standing with anyone in the mansion other than Terushima. Was it someone else? Or was it for someone else, but were too shy to put their crush's name on the tag.

You sometimes forget how immature people can be, but what's more frustrating is how immature adults can be. Sometimes they act like they're in high school still with some petty bullshit, keeping secrets from each other, and not communicating effectively. Fucking bullshit.

Anyways, you aren't quite sure what to do with the dress. You aren't even sure if you should keep it or put it back in the box and return it where you found it. You aren't quite sure and still haven't made up your mind, that's an option though, to return it. You wouldn't even know where to wear the dress to since you don't really go out. It's been a long time since you've been out without any of these dangerous men with you.

You were going to see Terushima once it had gotten dark because you enjoy his company. You've been tending to yourself that you haven't spent much time with Terushima and it'd be good to see how he was feeling. However, you want to know who could possibly give you the dress.

Terushima claims he didn't give you the dress. It's impossible for Oikawa and Daichi to know where you are because you're outside of the city. Ain't no fucking way that Kuroo or Bokuto could give you a dress too because they aren't aware of your location and they don't really like you that much. Ushijima isn't the romantic type to give you the dress either, although you just assume he isn't romantic because he doesn't know anything about romance. Its not Kita either because you've only seen him once and that was at the other mansion.

It could be one of the twins.

Probably Atsumu.

It's gotta be him because he tried flirting with you.

A knock on your door snaps you out of your thoughts. The person that knocked didn't announce themself and Taemin, who was lying on your bed had picked his head up to stare at the door. You ignored it, knowing he's not growling or barking at the door, too so you walked to it and opened it.

You weren't expecting Ushijima to be on the other side, though.


You swallowed the salvia in your mouth. "Hi..." You looked around, wondering why he's standing in front of your room. "Is there something wrong?"

"Do you not like it?" He questioned, his tone stone cold.

You tilted your head in confusion, your mouth opening and closing. "I beg your pardon?"

"Your gift," Ushijima stated. You watched his eyes flick over your shoulder to the bed and then back at you. "Do you not like it?"

"You got me the dress?" You asked.

You weren't expecting Ushijima to get you that dress. You haven't even tried it on yet because you aren't sure if it'll fit you or not. You know it's a beautiful dress, but you aren't sure if you'll feel beautiful in it or not. Why would he even buy you the dress? Is he trying to be friendly with you? Make amends?

"Yes. I did," Ushijima answered. "I was out and I saw this dress and bought it for you. I figured you'd like it and it would look nice on you, too."

"You don't have to buy anything for me," you said. You aren't quite sure how you should feel about Ushijima buying things for you. "How much was it so I can give you the money back?"

"It's half a million."

"HALF?" You yelled, eyes widening.

You felt like your heart jumped out of your body for a second, just hearing that price is enough to kill you. You couldn't even afford anything that's half a million, better yet, you've never spent that much on a single item. You'd never do that since you can't even make half a million in a single month or even a year, too.

Ain't no way this man spent that much on a single dress for you. You aren't even close enough with him to spend that much money on you. Fuck, ya'll aren't even dating or fucking, and this bitch spent half a million on you.

You question his reason for buying that.

"Why? We aren't close?" You somewhat snapped, growing upset that he spent so much.

"Because I would like to take you on a date."

"A date?" You yelled. "Is it because of Oikawa?? Are you serious? You don't even see me as a person ? You just see me as someone you want to date? And if I say no, are you going to kill me because I keep rejecting you?"

"I'm not going to kill you because you rejected me," Ushijima started, his facial the same when you first opened your bedroom door. Emotionless. "It's childish to kill you because you rejected me. I'm not asking you on a date because of Oikawa. My interpretation of how to treat women is immorally wrong and I would like to acquire the knowledge of how women would like to be treated, not what disgusting and horrendous men think women want to be treated." Ushijima bows deeply, his eyes focused on the ground. "I apologize for my actions towards you and I'm sorry if my questions are inappropriate to ask." He stands back up, meeting your gaze, "I wish you a fair night and sleep well."

Ushijima walks away, walking down the hallway and you blinked slowly, still processing his words. You figured that he wouldn't lie because he's super serious all the time. You wonder what he looks like when he's having fun. Does he smile when he's having fun? Is it a creepy smile?

Never mind that, what are you going to do about Ushijima?

a lot of unnecessary and bullshit keeps coming up and it's so tiring
that shit is what is preventing me from updating, reading books, and playing video games because I had lost interest in them but I'm trying to get back into those interests

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