14; Assumptions

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Brady Manning

"I guess people want me to stay away from you." It was Thursday morning and I was walking to school with Austin, like I had been doing since Tuesday because apparently I needed 'more fresh air', according to my parents.

"Have you received any more texts?" Austin asked curiously, whilst taking his arm off my shoulder and taking my hand in his.

"Yeah." I gave him my phone to look through them. Most were similar to the older ones, but I was starting to receive pictures of me and Austin when we were hanging out. No words, just pictures.

"Try not to go out on your own if you don't have to, and don't let them get to you, they want to make you scared, if you just go on as normal, they may lay off." Although that may be true, I still needed to be careful, they may hurt someone I'm close to.

The feeling of someone following me had heightened over the past few days, and I had a feeling that the person/people behind the text, were going to make themselves known to us soon enough.

"I'll keep a watch, don't worry." I ensured Austin.

"What even happened between you and Jason?" I enquired. Seen as Jason hadn't been in since Monday, it didn't enter my head to ask about it.

"It's such a typical reason, though." He scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"Just tell me, I won't judge." I reassured him.

"We were friends in middle school, I wouldn't say close, but we used to hang around with each other. In freshman year, he fell for this girl, Stephanie, but it was no secret that she was interested in me, even though I didn't share the same feelings." He shook his head, probably trying to come up with the best way to tell me the story. It was almost like the memory was painful?

"I tried to set them up with each other, but Steph wouldn't get over me. Jason started to hate me, I guess, because Stephanie showed no interest in him. I finally managed to change her mind, and she understood that nothing would change between us; she was going to give Jason a chance. We were talking in the hallway and she kissed my cheek, apparently she appreciated the way I handled the situation, and the way I valued her feelings. Jason saw her do it, since then he's made it his duty to try and turn all girls, that I show the slightest bit of interest in, against me." Wow. I thought that rivalry only happened with girls. Jason needed to get over himself, desperately.

"Really? That's it? I thought you said he was dangerous?" There had to be more to the story, Austin got so angry with me talking to him, that can't be the only reason Jason hates Austin.

"There's more to it than that, but it's not really a good time to tell you. What I told you is the basis of what happened. He associates with bad people; I don't want you being caught up in that." His voice turned almost venomous as he was trying to get me to see that Jason was no good.

"Is he physically dangerous? Will he hurt me?" I wanted to make sure that Jason really was a bad person before I tried to avoid him.

"If you get on the wrong side of him, he's not someone you want to be around." Austin spoke like he had a run in with this side of Jason. As if he read my mind, he answered my question.

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