18; Revelations

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^^^ Austin ^^^

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Brady Manning

Texas was supposed to be a fresh start, a chance at a new life; the chance for me to get over some horrific memories, and leave them behind. Never did I think that something equally as bad was going to happen here.

My parents were taken to a forest outside of the city, and brutally attacked, just so the 'Unknown' sender could get off on the fact that they proved me wrong. They wanted me to know that their threats weren't just empty promises, but promises as hard as stone.

I still didn't know who the evil mind, behind all of this, was. But I definitely had a list of suspects of who I thought it could be, one of them being more promising than the others.


This was because he kept warning me about how much danger I was in. Also, he threatened me, exactly how the unknown sender did, 'Don't think you can fool me.'

He had left me alone, but I still saw him in the hallways during lesson change overs, and in the cafeteria when he had the same lunch period as me. He would always stare at me, and the menacing look he would give me, when I'd walk down the hallway hand-in-hand with Austin, sent a chill down my spine.

I didn't think he was capable of doing this though. However, Austin did tell me that he was extremely dangerous when he was mad. I guess I was hopefully going to find out soon.

I've not felt this numb in a long time. The last time I ever felt this way, was the weeks after Scally raped me. I was incapable of speaking, moving, or showing any type of emotion; kind of like how I'm feeling now. I didn't know what was going to happen in the forest, once we arrived. Where my parents going to be alive, or dead? I certainly can't think straight at a time like this.

It was deathly silent in the car; I didn't have anything to say, and neither did Austin. Although, I think he did have a lot to say, but he didn't know how. I wouldn't even be able to answer his questions anyway.

The view of the passing cars and trucks on the highway was the only thing fascinating me, as I hadn't taken my eyes away from the window since we had started our journey.

Austin told me that he used to play in the forest clearing, that the video had been taken from, when he was a kid. Apparently he knew the Eisenhower Park well. It was a fifty minute drive, and the distance is killing me. I just prayed that my parents were okay.


As we arrived at the park, Austin told me to stay in the car, whilst he brought my parents back. He was extremely demanding, and I didn't want to deal with his temper, so I complied and stayed seated in the car.

I unbuckled my seat belt, and brought my knees to my chest, in hopes that it would bring me the slightest bit of comfort. However, fifteen minutes past and I decided that I had waited long enough, something must have happened. I composed myself, and got out of the car, locked it, and followed the signs for the 'Picnic Clearing'.

Once I'd reached it, I saw my parents on the grass, due to the lights illuminating the clearing, and immediately ran to them.

"I'm so glad you're both okay," I cried, "I was so worried; I didn't know what to do."

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