2; The Pull

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Brady Manning

Yesterday was one of the most emotional days of my life. I never thought Annabelle, Asher and I would ever be separated, we were planning on going to prom together if we had no dates, go to senior parties, host senior parties. But all those dreams came to a huge halt because my parents and I where relocating to Texas. We all cried whilst packing the remainder of my stuff and then they stayed over because they wanted to wave me off in the morning.

My dad and I argued for hours before my friends came, but we came to an agreement that I could stay with Annabelle each holiday if I was free and didn't have other commitments. I still wasn't overly happy with the move but my mom reassured me that I would make new friends in La Vernia and I could Skype Annabelle and Asher anytime I wanted. So at this moment I was sort of exited at the thought of moving to a different place and experiencing a different culture because obviously, La Vernia would be a huge change from Brooklyn!

It's definitely going to take some getting used to and a lot of adjusting. This is because I'm coming from Brooklyn, which is a Borough with a population of nearly 2.6 million people, to a small city with a population of only just over 1,100 people.

I think it's good to have a change and see the world, even if I am only just moving 1,816 miles away. As they say "Don't be afraid of change. You might lose something good, but you'll gain something better." Or as the great man John F. Kennedy once said "Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future." I've never been one to read inspirational quotes, but I guess now would be a good time to start as I'm definitely experiencing change!

I'm always going to be a city girl at heart, New York is my home and nothing is going to change that, not even if I get swept off my feet by a handsome cowboy, and live in a ranch for the rest of my existence.


I was currently sat next to my mom on the 3 and a half hour flight from JFK to San Antonio International Airport. It was 32 miles away from our new home of La Vernia. My dad had set off around 5 last night to drive, with the removal men and all our belongings, the 27 hours it took to get to La Vernia so that they would arrive around the time we got there too. I had my I-pod on the whole journey hoping that I could sleep to make the time pass, as there was no in-flight entertainment because the flight was less than 5 hours long. Flying didn't bother me at all, in fact I loved it, but with the constant bickering of the couple behind and the screaming baby in front, I was slowly being driven to insanity and wanting nothing more than to throw myself off this plane.


Shortly after arriving at the airport, mom and I hailed a cab and set off to our new home. Throughout the journey mom and I made small talk as we were both tired from the journey and packing the vans last night which was a lot of hard work. However, my mom promised that she would take me car shopping tomorrow so that I could purchase a new car which I have been saving up for. Got to arrive at my new school in style.

Once we arrived at our new house, we gave the cab fare to the driver and got out. It was a beautiful 2 story house in a nice neighbourhood. I was impressed and so was mom, even though she helped dad pick it out. We walked in and were suddenly hit by the smell of new wood and carpets, dad made sure the house was furnished to both his and moms taste so that we didn't need to do a lot of work to it when we got here. They did a good job and it almost looked like our old house.

"Go look at your room, I'm sure you'll like it, I tried my best to make it look like your old one." My mom said as she set her bags down in the lounge.

"Okay mom." I climbed the stairs and made my way to my bedroom, when I opened the door I realized my mom wasn't kidding when she said she tried to make it look like my old room, it was almost identical, except for all my things that needed to put in there.

I opened my suitcase and changed out of my clothes that I travelled here in. I put on some high waist shorts, crop top and my black converse and put my hair up in a pony. Once I was ready, I told my mom that I was going out on a walk to check out the area.

I'd say it was around 25 C out as it was half way through August. I must say that the weather in Texas was a lot better than Brooklyn. I made sure to take money with me, for if I came across a café, and walked out my door.

The neighbourhood was beautiful and there was so many big houses. I was so blessed that I could live the life that I live, even though I sometimes don't get along with my dad, because he spends so much time working, I know that he does it so my mom and I can live a good life.

I must have been walking for around 10 minutes before I came across a little cafe 'Mesquite Bean Coffee Shop'. It wasn't that full but there was a group of teenagers around my age, an elderly couple and a women and her baby. I walked in and was hit by the smell of freshly brewed coffee which nearly made me gag, I hate coffee. I went up to the counter and ordered a grande hot chocolate with marshmallows, mmm. I took a seat near the back away from everyone so I could drink my chocolate in peace, but I couldn't help but feel I was being stared at, but it was probably just me as I'm insanely tired.

I looked up anyway, and caught a boy around my age staring at me.I smiled at him and he smiled back, I couldn't help but notice the slight blush on his cheeks. I chuckled and shrugged it off. He was quite attractive and his green eyes were gorgeous, I felt this pull towards him, but again shrugged it off and put it down to tiredness.

Once I finished, I got up and walked out as it was nearing five, and getting near to dinner time. My mom had text me saying that dad way only 3 hours away from arriving in La Vernia, so I walked home the way I came, ate my dinner and got ready for bed around 7 so I could wait for my dad to get home.

It was going to be a long day tomorrow.


So that was the second chapter hope you liked it.

Wonder who the guy was ;)

I'm going to skip quite a lot for the next chapter to the first day of school as it will probably get boring if I don't.

Don't hesitate to ask me anything





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