6; Beautiful Brady

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Dedicated to 14iamsarah14 I love your fanfics

Decided to do Austin's P.O.V because I want you to understand what's going on with him and his feelings.


Austin Mahone

Summer has always been the hardest season of the year; late night training sessions, meetings with my dad and the pack elders. It's extremely repetitive, but I pull through it because you never know what dangers are lurking around the corner. There's been a rumour that a rival pack are looking to try and fight for our territory, so the pack is on high alert. This also means, more training, and hardly any social life. The one and only break we got to leave the pack house, we all took it for granted. A group of us went to the local coffee shop, as it's our usual hang out spot and one of the elders' wife, owns it.

The typical day out consists of Cora and I, third wheeling, as we both don't have a mate. I guess it's better that way because there is less distraction, so we can put more focus into training. I've never been one to care about having a mate, but someone who is your other half, someone you love and always want to be with, forever, doesn't sound bad, but my dad, being the Beta, always tells me;

"Training is more important, we can survive without a mate until we are 23, by then there will be newbies who can take over your place, so you can think about settling down with the one you love."

I always thought that I would wait and that I wouldn't find one until I was at least 21, but fate had other plans.


Beautiful Brady.

The minute she walked in Mesquite Bean, I knew she was the one, the minute I laid my eyes on her, she didn't look my way and I was hoping she didn't because I don't know what she would think when she sees my face. Shock, that I was a creep, who the hell are you, love. I laughed at my last thought, of course she wouldn't feel love, she wasn't a wolf, she was human, she wouldn't immediately feel the imprint, but I definitely did. I was scared that she would reject me, laugh at me, or look at me in disgust. I looked away and got back into conversation with everyone else, hoping that they didn't realise the change in me. But Alex did, he's my best friend, he can read me like a book. He gave me a knowing look and I blushed and nodded, I couldn't control the feeling inside of me. Excitement, love, adoration, whole. I'd finally found my other half and I couldn't be happier. She was perfect, beautiful, and hopefully soon, mine.

I couldn't concentrate on my friends' conversation as my mind was on the beautiful girl in the coffee shop, my mate. I was staring at her, trying to figure out why I hadn't seen her before, but I guess she was new, as she didn't look like she was from around here and when she spoke to the lady ordering her drink, she had, what I'm guessing, a New York accent. It was cute. I realised she'd caught me staring, so I blushed and smiled at her, which she smiled back at and I looked away again, afraid of embarrassing myself even more.

I couldn't go over to her, as once you've found your mate; you have to spend time away from her as you go through the 'change', as my dad calls it. Which basically means, your wolf matures, and strengthens to deal with the imprint, and you go through nights full of pain, cold sweats, fevers and vomiting, until you finally are able to safely approach your mate without hurting them or trying to mate them. Also, you can make them feel uncomfortable, because your wolf isn't used to the new emotion.

To say I was overjoyed when I walked into the study hall and saw her with Sarah would be an understatement. I stopped speaking and stopped walking, I just stared in her eyes. She did the same and I couldn't help but let out a slight chuckle as she was looking confused about why she was feeling whole or a bond towards me.

"B-Brady." She stuttered. Adorable.

I shook her hand and the expected rush went right up my arm. I could tell she felt it too as she pulled away quickly and coughed.

I made sure to stick by her side as much as I could to show that she was mine, having a mate brings jealousy and hate towards other guys who stare at her. But I guess she'd have to get used to it.

I felt so nervous when I'd knocked on her door that night to take her around La Vernia, but the night went better than I thought it would, but kissing her was something else. It was more than I could've ever dreamed of, I knew it was way too early and too 'soon' but she kissed back. It felt right; I rested my forehead on hers.

"That was perfect. I've been wanting to do that since I first met you! See you in the morning beautiful."

But that was a promise broken.


It's something everyone fears, but wars between packs were something I was accustomed to, something I was used to.

Turns out that the pack came to fight for territory and the rumours were true. But they surrendered once they'd seen they were outnumbered. That doesn't mean we are safe, that was just one of many packs who try to fight for territory. Sometimes they don't surrender, sometimes we're the ones outnumbered.

I ignored Brady. Mistake one. But I didn't want to bring her into this life, she's going to get hurt. However, I could feel the separation effect of the bond, so I knew I would have to peruse this imprint whether I liked it or not and protect her with my life.

I thought that she would be happy to see me. Mistake two. I was going to try to explain to her why I was off, which would mean lying because I couldn't tell her the truth.

"So I was off for a week because a rival werewolf pack wanted to fight for our territory."


I thought that she wouldn't have moved on to someone new. Mistake three. I was crushed to walk in the study hall to see her all chummy with that Jackson kid. I thought she liked me, she kissed me back, or did she do that so I wouldn't be hurt.

And then to hear what I was hoping I would never hear her say to anyone but me,

"It's a date then."

I was furious and I couldn't control my actions, I nearly changed but that wouldn't be good for anyone. So I let my anger get the better of me and I regrettably flipped out on the one person who was supposed to keep me calm and grounded. Brady. Mistake four.

"A WHAT!?"


Sorry I haven't updated for so long, my A-level exam was on Friday so I was revising. But now my exams are finished and we're on a break from college, so MORE UPDATES!

I want to know if you are reading these end notes, comment questions for me to answer!

Thanks for the supportive comments and votes, 307 reads and I know that it's not much, but it's a start because it's my first story and I'm extremely grateful :)

Please send me questions about anything, I would love to know what you think and want to know about me.

Also, if you want me to give your stories a shoutout just post a request in my message box, thanks.





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