21; Future

300 18 6

Brady Manning

It's been a few hours since Austin came clean about what he was. It was still a little weird, and hard to get my head around. However, I was slowly becoming more accepting of it, and Austin. I mean it's not every day you find out that you've grown up in a world only heard of in fairy tales.

Also, I'd come to the realisation that I couldn't do Track anymore. It would be unfair to the competitors, so I decided that it would be best to quit the team before the first track meet in March. It was depressing because I've been in the team since 6th grade. I loved traveling to different parts of the state to compete. I loved the atmosphere created by the crowd and competitors. I loved that feeling of victory when I won first place. But now I knew why I won so many races, and I couldn't for the life of me think of a reason why I should stay on the team. It wasn't fair, and even though the coaches didn't know what I was, I knew what I was. I knew that the only reason I was winning the races was because I was a hybrid. I had to leave the team, maybe take on another hobby that wouldn't give me the advantage over the human students.

God. That sounded so strange for me to say. It was something that I had to get used to though. It was my life now, well it has been for the whole of my seventeen years on earth, but I didn't know anything about it until now.

I'm just happy that I had my family, Austin, and my friends to help me through it all. I'm happy that Austin stayed with me after he told me everything, just so that I could become more comfortable around him, knowing what he was, and what he was to me.

We were watching the 22 Jump Street DVD, seen as we didn't get the chance to watch the movie in the theatres. It came out on DVD sometime last week, and Austin surprised me with it this morning. Got to love him though, he's always full of surprises.

Whilst the movie was playing, I cuddled into his side just to be closer to him. I was starting to accept this whole situation more. Austin only did what he did to protect me, and I had to be thankful for that. However, before I could get too comfortable I was still unsure about one thing.

I sat up straight and unhooked Austin's arm from around me, dusting the popcorn and chip crumbs off of my lap, and on to the floor. Remind me to sweep it up later or my mom will lecture me for hours on keeping the house clean when she's out. I really do not need another pointless speech from her on the subject.

I made sure to pause the movie so that we didn't miss any of it. It was such a great movie so far, and it had us both in stitches. I looked over at Austin and saw his face full of confusion.

"What's up?" Austin voiced in concern. Probably wondering why I had gone so quiet all of a sudden.

I looked down to my lap, contemplating whether or not to bring this whole thing back up, or just move on. But I couldn't rest until I was positive on every aspect of the story and how the future will be, now that I know about the werewolf world. I didn't know the right words to say, and I think I took too long to voice my question, because Austin took my wrist delicately into his hand, and intertwined our fingers.

"Something's bothering you, what is it?" Austin asked, and lovingly caressed my cheek to assure me that he was listening to me, and that he was there for me.

"This whole situation is just so weird. I never knew anything like this existed." I chuckled, realising that I was worrying for nothing, and what I wanted to say wasn't bad at all.

"Some people aren't what they seem Brady, the people you think you know the best; they always end up surprising you." Austin said softly, still caressing my cheek. I suppose he was right. You always think you know someone, and yet they are still hiding a lot of secrets you never knew.

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