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Please read end notes if you want me to give your story a shoutout


Brady Manning

It was now Friday and my first week of school, in my opinion, was awful. I hadn't seen Austin, Robert, Amelia, Cora and Alex since Monday. I asked around, but nobody would tell me.

I had been feeling down and I didn't know why. Whether it was the fact that I waited 10 minutes for Austin to show Tuesday morning, as he promised he would walk with me, but he didn't show. Or maybe the fact that my friends where keeping secrets behind my back. They gave me sympathetic looks, but I shrugged them off and spent most of the whole week on my own in school.

The only people who talked to me where Roxanne and Skylar, I was extremely grateful because they could see how down I was. They spent Wednesday night at my house and my parents seemed to like them, so that raised my spirits a little bit.

I had been getting closer to Jackson, Skylar's twin brother, because he would always ask me how I was feeling and I could always talk to him. I felt used by Austin because he took me out, made me feel special, kissed me and then left, without even talking to me or answering my texts. I decided to keep my distance from him when he comes back.

I walked out of my 3rd period class, Athletics, to be met by Jackson as we both had study hall together.

"Hey." I greeted him as he embraced me in a warm hug.

"How's my New Yorker today?" He winked.

"You don't understand how much I hate Mrs Rider! She made us run three laps of the track, and then made me run one extra as she says that I need extra practice for the next track meet coming up at Lady Bird High." I was beyond tired and I still had lunch and two more lessons after study hall.

"Hey don't worry that pretty little head of yours-" he said whilst patting the top of my head. I swatted his hand away and gave him a glare.

"-OW! As I was saying, don't worry, coach has told us we have extra football practice on Sunday, so I guess we both have to work extra harder for being talented ey?"

Jackson was a Wide Receiver in the school football team, the 'Bears' and his coach was working them extra hard before the season starts, so that they will play their best. But still I hated being worked extra hard, I was a sprinter not a long distance runner, so having 37 minutes to get changed into kit, warm up, run 1600 metres, cool down and then get changed back into my clothes without looking like a sweaty mess, was almost impossible. But I was proud of my eight minutes and twelve second personal best.

"But it pays off in the end." I replied whilst patting his stomach and mine, insinuating that extra work and exercise gives us a flat and toned stomach.

"Got to agree with you there Brades."

When we entered the study hall, we saw Roxanne, Sarah and Alex all in hush whispers at a table. They all looked so serious and secretive, something I've been prone to seeing most of this week. But what made me most confused was the fact that Alex was here. Does that mean Austin was back? He didn't even tell me. Well he's been ignoring me so I didn't expect him to.

Jackson and I sat down and they stopped talking and acted like nothing was wrong. I saw right through it and I was going to find out this big secret if it killed me.

"Hey guys, Alex, didn't know you came back, where've you been the past week?"

"Oh...uh...I've just been...you know...I've been ill."

"Yeah okay well I hope you're better now." Sike.

"Well then I'm guessing none of you want to go to the movies then with Jackson and me?"

All if a sudden they tensed and looked down, but since this is how they've acted all week, I didn't think much of it.

"Well then I guess it's just you and me then Jay, huh?"

"I guess it is." Jackson replied whilst putting an arm around the back of my chair.

"It's a date then." I smiled.

"A WHAT?!?"


I want to know if you are reading these end notes, comment questions for me to answer!

This is just a filler chapter and it's the start of a build-up of something big. I understand that I've not been updating, but I have gotten behind on my coursework and please understand that my work comes before this.

Thanks for the supportive comments and votes, I'm nearly at 200 reads and I know that it's not much, but it's a start because it's my first story and I'm extremely grateful :)

Please send me questions about anything, I would love to know what you think and want to know about me.

Also, if you want me to give your stories a shoutout just post a request in my message box, thanks.





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