10; Unknown

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^^^ Brady ^^^

It sucks that I've lost readers!

Anyway, this chapter is dedicated to aberrational because her stories are AMAZING!! And I love her loads. Thanks for the positive feedback hun :)

For next chapter:

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Brady Manning

"That movie never gets old." Austin concluded, chuckling, once the credits started to roll.

We'd been alone for two hours, watching Grown Ups, and eating pizza. It's been great; I guess our argument has been settled, because we've definitely become closer.

The familiar pull was still there, and I wanted to know why. It felt so strange to me, because I was extremely attracted to Austin, and yet the rest of the boys I know may as well not exist. I only have eyes for Austin and that scares me. I was a little bit bothered by the fact that I wanted him all to myself.

I've had my heart broken, and it's the worst feeling ever. I really hope that I won't get hurt this time, because I can already feel my walls, surrounding my heart, crumbling. I've opened myself up to him to the level that Annabelle and Asher are on.

I never thought I would feel this way about anyone, as fast as I did, after what happened with Tyler back home. The break up was crushing for me, and I closed myself off and kept my guard up for so long. I guess I'm part of the population of women who think 'all guys are the same'.

I don't want to get hurt by Austin. But something is telling me that he wouldn't do it intentionally.

We were currently sat on the couch, whilst I was laid on Austin's chest with his arm around me. "No it doesn't. It's 7.30, when do you have to get home?" I inquired. I really didn't want to move, I was comfortable and I felt safe in his arms, which also made me think that I'd have to not let my guard down fully with Austin.

"I have to be back around eight, my parents want to talk to me about some family matter. Although, it's always boring stuff really. I'd rather stay here with you." He flirted, whilst pulling me in to him by my hips.

"Mmhmm, Really?" I fluttered my eyes closed whilst leaning into him. There's nothing else I'd rather be doing right now.

"Yeah, really." I looked back up at him, I didn't realise how close we were, until Austin spoke up, "kiss me," He whispered. I tilted my head to the side whilst I leant up, pressing my lips to his. I let out a breathe through my nose as I felt the buzz in my veins. I felt his fingers running through my hair whilst we continued to kiss. I connected my hands together at the back of his neck.

He gripped my hips tightly, a small grunt coming from the back of his throat as our tongues slid against each other. My head spun with the realisation that I was making out with Austin. His right hand slid down my back, to the base, and brought me closer.

I tugged on the hairs at the back of his head, making him groan in my mouth out of pleasure. I pulled back panting a little, I took in a deep breath feeling restless as Austin made circles at the base of my back with his thumbs. I could feel the blush start to rise on my face, as Austin let out a slight chuckle.

We didn't speak for a while, but I began to caress his face with my fingers, and he held on to my hips, as I got my breath back. I leant up and pecked his lips, and smoothed my thumb over them. He started to smile slowly, "you're a good kisser," he whispered.

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