12; Jason

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Shoutout to 'PwettiAlley' go read their story 'Luna Deity' it's a supernatural werewolf story. The first chapter has been posted.

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Brady Manning

"You're the new girl, right?" A masculine voice asked. 


I looked up, seeing a boy with messy blonde hair, leaning up against the locker next to mine.

"Yeah" I smiled briefly, reaching up to put my bangs behind my ear, with my free hand. He was at least four inches taller than me, so to look at him, I had to tilt my head back a bit. "I'm Brady."

"I'm Jason," he replied, watching as I shut my locker, and placed my backpack on my shoulder.

"Good to meet you, Jason." I shifted my weight from leg to leg.

"You too," he smiled lightly, "I think you're in my AP English class. Were you the one that called out 'bullshit', when Ms. Kubena told us the topic of our paper?"

I chuckled and blushed, whilst scratching the back of my neck in embarrassment. "Oh wow, I still can't believe I said that out loud. But yeah, that was me."

"Hey, don't worry, studying Edgar Allan Poe isn't fun for me either," he shrugged, "so I don't blame you for complaining."

"Even if you did blame me, I wouldn't care to be honest." I grinned playfully.

"Well that isn't a nice way to speak to a person you just met." He chuckled, pushing himself off the lockers to follow me, as I start walking.

"Maybe I'm not a nice person," I replied.

Jason laughed again, "You're funny," he said, "I like you."

I blushed lightly, "thanks, I guess." I glanced at him as I pushed open the door that was closest to the parking lot, shivering as gust of wind hit my bare legs. "Damn, the temperature has dropped since this morning."

"Yeah, the weather channel said it would be a cold night, then it would heat up a little." He informed me as he got his keys from his pocket.

"That's good. My fall clothes aren't organised yet. I only have a couple jackets and sweaters in my wardrobe. So I hope it stays warm for a little while longer." I heard it stays warm for a long time in Texas, so I should be okay. But I have jeans, if it does get colder.

"Don't worry about it getting cold yet, maybe in a month or so." He smiled whilst we continued to walk out into the parking lot. "My cars just here," he pointed out as we approached a silver 4x4 Mercedes.

"Nice ride. I'll see you tomorrow I guess." I waved bye to him and started walking towards the exit, seeing Austin stood by his car with Alex and Robert. I decided to walk over and see if they wanted to join me and the girls at the café, seen as Sarah and Roxanne were dating Alex and Rob.

"Hey guys." I greeted as I approached them.

"Hey Brady," came a chorus of replies from Alex and Rob, before they hopped into Austin's car after being glared at by him.

"What were you doing with him?" Austin asked with a protective tone to his voice.

"Who," I looked up at Austin in confusion, my eyebrows furrowing. "Jason?"

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