His thoughts are running wild between Katsuro and the upcoming war. Thinking about how he's going to come into play in the war, how i'm going to affect the war, where that'll leave the two of us since he knows we're going to be on opposing sides

"Katsu NO we DO NOT eat mommy's hair!" Sasuke hears me yelp from across the hallway and smiles softly to himself.

He has to figure out how to get Haru on his side.


I've spent all day looking after Katsuro, bathing him, feeding him, playing with him, rocking him to sleep, dealing with his obsession of tugging on my hair, all of the above! Sasuke on the other hand has been eerily quiet and almost distanced, taking me by surprise.

Last night he was all over Katsuro, carrying him left and right until he fell asleep, but today? After we named him this morning he's been acting so He's so strange!

And by strange I mean, distant.

I'm already mentally preparing myself to confront him on his weird attitude, and it's just my luck when Katsuro falls asleep in my arms, his red eyes which mirror my own closing drowsily.

I'm quick to head to his room and place him in his crib before pressing one last kiss on his cheek (Never being able to resist his chubby cheeks!) and walk straight back out like a woman on a mission.

Finding Sasuke is easy since he's already in bed, but he doesn't make any move to turn to me once I enter the room.

I narrow my eyes, suspicious by his lack of a reaction. Normally he'd turn to me or make any sort of acknowledgment of my presence!

I run a hand through my hair and sit slowly on my side of the bed, staring at his back as if that'd make any difference.

It doesn't, and if I didn't know any better I'd think he was already asleep! I'm not scared of him though, and I reach out a hand and place it on his back.

"Did I do something wrong?" I ask, genuinely confused by the sudden cold shoulder. To my pleasant surprise he moves from laying on his side to laying on his back, his eyes instantly meeting mine.

"I promise I dont think your last name is ugly, it was a joke!" I start, wracking my brain for any possibly offensive things I could have said today which would have warranted this reaction from him.

Sasuke rolls his eyes and grabs my hand, pulling me towards him so that our chests meet and I'm practically laying down on him. "I'm not mad, I'm just thinking." He states, closing his eyes as I place my head in the crevice of his neck.

"Babe, if you're gonna act like that everytime you think about something we're gonna have problems." I joke much to Sasuke's dismay. My eyes narrow when he starts playing with my hair, a move which would render me to sleep on any regular day, but it wont work today!

"Whatcha thinking about?" I ask, my voice coming out as being slightly muffled due to my close proximity to his neck. His hand which was once stroking my long locks away from my face freezes, and I look up at him curiously.

"The war, whose side will you take?" He asks, despite knowing the answer.

I smile cheekily and look up at him "What? You're scared that ima beat you up or something?" I ask, yelping in surprise when he pinches the skin on my ass. I slap his chest playfully and smile again when I see that I've gotten him to loosen up.

"You wouldn't be able to win against me." Sasuke deadpans, and I'm quick to retort, telling him about all of my wood jutsus, summonings, sage mode, everything that I could possibly do to defeat him!

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