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The morning three days after Yoongi's father had called him into his study was a tearful affair. Jining had clung onto him, sobbing his eyes out. He didn't ask Yoongi to stay, knowing what he had to do. However it didn't stop him from crying from worry. Yoongi tried his best to console his baby, brushing a familiar hand through Jimin's hair and pressing soft kisses to his temple.

"I need to go now my sweet, Hoseok, Jungkook and Chanyeol are waiting for me." Yoongi whispered, kissing Jimin slowly as if pouring all his feelings into the kiss. Jimin nodded, sniffing wetly as he wiped his tears away.

Even with his face smeared with tears and some snot, Yoongi found him strangely beautiful.

"I'll be back before you know it." Yoongi promised, grabbing his sword from where it was leaning against the wall and sheathing in into its holder. He takes one last look at Jimin standing there, before he closes the door and he's headed towards the gate of the fortress.

There are legions of soldiers stationed at the entrance, most on horses while the foot soldiers stayed behind.

Yoongi headed to the front, not minding it when the closest werewolves saluted at him. When Jungkook saw him from on top of his horse, he slid down and hugged Yoongi.

"Jimin all right?" He whispered and Yoongi sighed. "He was crying when I left." Jungkook nodded. "Taehyung was like that too before, but now not so much since he trusts me to make it back. Jimin will get better." Jungkook jerked his head to the side where a sleek black stallion was waiting for him and pushed him gently towards it. Yoongi thanked him and walked quickly to the stallion, climbing on and settling into the saddle.

Hoseok and Chanyeol waved at him from his left. Yoongi nodded at them before looking back. He could see all the soldiers they were bringing, around 15,000 Jungkook had said. They were all staring at him, well most of them anyways. Yoongi supposes it's because it's his first time appearing in something like this.

Most of the time I'm just holed up the castle reading books and relaxing. Yoongi mused. I still wonder why dad decided to let me out all the sudden.

But in all honesty, Yoongi wasn't complaining. The feeling of leading 15,000 werewolves to battle was exhilarating in some way, even though he doesn't know what will happen to him in the near future.

When everything was ready, Jungkook raised his sword high above his head, eliciting roars and cheers from the soldiers behind him.

Yoongi suppressed a shiver.

They started to march forwards, and they slowly departed from the fortress as guards pulled the gates open. Yoongi did not look behind him, in fear that he would catch Jimin watching him leave. He stared ahead.

It was going to take a long time to get there.


Jimin stated sullenly at the ground as Taehyung and Jin talked their ears off in front of him. Namjoon was reading a book, his feet propped up on a stool.

The group was incredibly quiet, save for Taehyung and Jin due to the absence of Chanyeol and Hoseoks, whose comedic acts never failed to raise their spirits.

"If you're really worried Jimin, you might want to do something to distract yourself." Namjoon suddenly speaks up, distracting Taehyung and Jin from their conversation. "You've been staring at the table for the past thirty minutes." Jimin made a small sound of acknowledgment. "Sorry." He meekly says, his back hunching protectively over himself. "It's just it's Yoongi's first time out there, what if something happens?"

Taehyung leaned over to rub his back reassuringly. "Yoongi's in good hands you know." He says softly. "He's with Jungkook, Hoseok and Chanyeol and they're some of the best fighters I know. Yoongi is also really good at fighting too, and  I know he'll be fighting to get back to you." Jimin nodded. He doesn't know how Taehyung deals with it.

Seeing as Jimin still sits there with a blank look on his face, Taehyung sighs and stands up abruptly. "Guys." He called out, prompting the others to look at at him. "We should take Jiminie skinny dipping." Jin wacked him behind the knees so he buckles, clutching weakly at the table.

"Dude, I don't think skinny dipping is the right thing to do currently." Jin says, smacking Taehyung in the arm one more time. Jimin thought about what Taehyung said. Skinning dipping, that was swimming while naked, wasn't it?

"That does sound good. Maybe the hot springs?" He suggested and Taehyung whooped and pulled him up, not waiting for him before taking off and dragging him along.

"So chaotic. But hopefully this will make Jimin more relaxed." Jin sighed before turning to Namjoon and smirking.

"I was originally not going to go, but...." he trailed off before glancing up at Namjoon under his eyelashes. "I'm thinking...." Namjoon swallowed harshly before bending down and carrying Jin bridal style. Jin let out a squeal at the sudden change, his legs kicking as he tried to stabilize himself.

He giggled and wrapped an arm around Namjoons neck and kissed him.

"Well, what are you waiting for, My Knight in Shining armour?" Namjoon suppressed a snort, and hoisting Jin up into a more comfortable position, followed Taehyung and Jimin towards the hot springs.


Sorry for the short chapter!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭

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