20: It's Your Birthday

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Summary: Remus is determined to make Harry's thirteenth birthday the best day ever. And he'll start by failing to bake a cake.

In all the years he'd lived at Privet Drive, everything was supposed to clean and tidy, with not even the slightest fingerprint on the window. But when Harry came down on the thirty-first of July, he found himself staring at what was definitely not a clean and tidy kitchen. Several baking utensils were strewn across the counters and there was a blanket of flour on everything.

In the middle of all of this was a very haggard-looking Remus sitting on the floor with a wooden spoon in one hand and a layer of flour on his pants and in his hair.

He lifted his head and gave a sheepish grin. "Er... happy birthday?"

Harry blinked a few times, his mind still sluggish from sleep. "I'm sorry, what?"

"Your birthday. I tried to bake you a cake." He gestured to the mess. "I technically succeeded. Although I'm not certain the cake will taste g — oof!"

Harry had flung his arms around him, uncaring that his own pajamas would be dirty now. "Thank you."

"And I told the Weasleys we'd be going over this evening if you'd like. They'll be preparing something that's probably way better than this cake."

"I'd like that. And I'm sure the cake will be fine."

But a few minutes later, once Remus had cleaned up the kitchen and cut out a slice, Harry was pushing the cake away with a wrinkled nose after one bite.

Remus pinched the bridge of his nose. "I should've just bought something from the bakery."

"No, it's fine. The Dursleys didn't even acknowledge my birthday."

Remus just stared. "Well, that was fucking stupid of them."

One thing that Harry had quickly learned was that Remus swore a lot. He tried to censor himself for Harry's sake at first, but quickly gave up when he realized it was a losing battle.

"Just don't say these words in front of your teachers and you'll be fine," he had told Harry, ruffling his hair.

(If Harry had an impulse to say fuck in front of Professor Snape when term started again, no one had to know.)

Next was Harry's presents. For a few seconds, he just stared at the neon orange package that most likely came from Jayson.

"That's a... really bright color," Remus remarked, bemused.

"You get used to it," Harry replied, taking that one first and discovering he had been correct.

Once finished with presents, which consisted of no meager items like a sticky note or a used staple, Remus took Harry out to London, where they wandered around the shops and even went to the zoo.

Harry hadn't realized just how much he had missed out on. It was much more fun seeing the animals without worrying about tantrums from a person a month older than you and actually having the freedom to buy what you wanted. Inside the reptile house, Harry passed by the boa constrictor's exhibit and wondered where it was now.

By the time they exited, it was around noon.

"I've never tried pizza before," Harry admitted. His eyes bulged when Remus bought three slices just for him.

"This is too much, surely," he protested.

"First of all, my name is Remus. Secondly, no, it isn't. Now, how about dessert?"

"Well, a cookie wouldn't be too bad," Harry conceded, thinking of the cake from that morning.

He got two.

They swung by the gift shop on their way out, where Harry picked up a journal with animals on it, thinking Ginny would like it. He also  couldn't help but gaze longingly at a stuffed snake. The only toys he ever had were ones that Dudley didn't want anymore, which meant they were usually broken or torn up. But Remus had already spent enough on him to last a month or two, so he passed.

Remus furrowed his eyebrows when he saw Harry put down the snake with clear reluctance. Well, that wouldn't do. He reached down, scooped up the snake, and went to check out.


"Mum, Harry's here!" Ginny called, peering through the window.

Mrs. Weasley looked up, alarmed. "Oh, goodness! They're earlier than I expected! Invite them in, will you?"

"Sure thing." Ginny went outside. "Hi, Harry."

Harry grinned. "Hey, Gin. What's your mum making? Smells delicious."

"Wait and find out. She wants it to be a surprise." Ginny led him and Remus in.

Mrs. Weasley beamed at Harry when he came in, but she didn't come over to embrace him as her hands were occupied. "It's good to see you, dear. Take a seat, dinner is almost finished."

"Good evening, Harry," greeted Percy, sounding as if he was talking to the Minister. "How are you?"

"Doing great. And you?"

Before Percy could answer, there was a loud explosion and George and Fred walked in with an unusually normal air about them.

"What was that?" said Harry.

"Whatever do you mean?" Fred rounded his eyes and gave him a puzzled look.

"Nothing." Harry hadn't really expected an answer.

He and Ron played chess until Mrs. Weasley announced the food was ready, then they all gathered around for an amazing dinner.

Throughout the meal, Mrs. Weasley kept piling roast beef onto Harry's plate until Remus gently told her to let Harry get his own.

It was nearing nine o'clock when Remus finally decided he should take Harry home. Harry, yawning, didn't protest. He bade the Weasleys good-bye and was Apparated back to the cottage; this time, it didn't feel quite as nauseating.

"You better get some sleep," Remus said, patting Harry on the shoulder.

"Okay. Night, Moony."


Harry changed into his pajamas, feeling lighter than he had in years. This had been, by far, the best day ever, even better than winning the House Cup.

He settled the stuffed snake, which he had named Azure for her mottled blue coloring, on the bed and started to climb in, only to pause when something moved out of the corner of his eye.

He went over to the window. It was hard to see, but there was just enough moonlight to illuminate the dark shape in front of the trees. Some kind of animal, that much Harry could tell, but what exactly? And why did he feel like it was looking right into his soul?

A cloud covered the moon, and what little Harry could see of the creature vanished. By the time the cloud passed, the creature was gone.

I have to look up meals in the UK every time I want to describe what they're having, but more often than not I end up not listing them anyway.

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