19: Moving In

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Summary: The rest of term; Harry moves in with Remus.

A barn owl flew in and dropped a letter in front of Harry, who only just moved his bowl of porridge out of the way in time. He opened it and read it through. After a moment, his eyes widened.

"What is it?" Hermione asked. His expression was one of astonishment, but she couldn't tell if it was a good one or not.

At least until he met her gaze, his green eyes bright and victorious. "I can move in with Remus."

Ron let out a whoop and made a move to hug him before coming to a clumsy stop. "Er..."

Harry laughed. "Go ahead," he said, and was nearly crushed by Ron's enthusiasm as he pulled him in. Hermione joined in, wrapping her arms around them both.

News traveled quickly and by lunch, everyone knew of Harry's change in guardianship.

Ron's brothers came over to the Slytherin table and began eating like nothing was out of the ordinary.

"No need to steal the car again, I guess," said George, letting out a gusty sigh.

"Like you need an excuse to do that," Harry countered.

George's eyes lit up. "Very true, Harrykins."

"You will not take the car," Percy said sharply before either twin could start making plans right then and there.

"Ah, Perce, you're ruining all our fun!" Fred whined.

Percy rolled his eyes, then turned to Harry. "Congratulations, Harry. I'm sure Mr. Lupin will be a wonderful guardian."

Harry grinned at him, but he could see not everyone shared the sentiment.

Daphne was the first to voice her concerns. "Even... even though he's... a werewolf?"

Harry bristled, his fingers curling more tightly around his fork. "Excuse me?"

Daphne winced at his expression but continued. "Look, Harry, I'm sure Lupin's not a bad person, but when he transforms? Who knows what he's like?"

"He has full control over himself," Harry said. "Besides, anyone would be better than going back to the Dursleys."

Daphne conceded this with a nod.

"At least they won't have fleas." Harry wasn't surprised to hear Parkinson add her own two cents.

"If I find any, I'll make sure to send them your way," Harry retorted, making Parkinson curl her lip.

"Two Galleons Potter has a new scar when he gets back," Theodore Nott said.

Parkinson, Bulstrode, Malfoy, and his cronies laughed haughtily.

"Ignore them," said Ron.

"It's no wonder you're so eager to move in with a werewolf," Malfoy goaded. "They're on the same level as Weasleys and Mudbloods."

There was a clatter as Ron dropped his fork and made to stand up, but Hermione yanked him back down. "Ron, no! The teachers are watching!"

"Five points from Slytherin, Malfoy," Percy snapped.

Malfoy sneered at him but turned back to his plate.

Daphne wasn't the only one with reservations about Harry living with a werewolf, but she was one of the few who had legitimate reason to worry. Most people thought Remus would tear Harry apart as soon as he got the chance and some even thought he was better off with his relatives.

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