36: Scarlet Letter

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Summary: Rita Skeeter makes Hermione and Ginny out to be scarlet women, which makes Harry absolutely devasta — okay, that's a lie; Logan* has feelings; Sid wants a pencil

*Merrill, not Sanders

"Not only is Karkaroff horribly biased, he's also horrible at being biased."

"Really?" said Sirius. "And why do you say that?"

"Because he gave me one point instead of — I don't know — zero. Like if you're gonna be biased, you may as well go all the way."

Sirius chuckled. "You did well, though."

"Well enough to have earned negative ten points?" Harry said hopefully.


Harry groaned and flopped onto his back. "You're the worst."

"I'll have you know I am amazing."

Harry heard a very loud snort from off the side of Sirius.

"I don't think Moony agrees."

"That's because it was the full moon yesterday. He's not thinking straight." Sirius reached over and ruffled up Remus' already unkempt hair.

"Get the fuck off of me."

Sirius retracted his hand. "Tch. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the moon."

Harry snickered. "Talk to you later."

He deactivated the mirror and went to find Ron. The redhead was surrounded by a group of Slytherins, telling about his daring adventure under the lake.

In the days following the second task, he got his first taste of fame due to being one of the hostages. His story started out simple enough — they were put into a bewitched sleep that would last until they resurfaced — but a week later, he made it out to be a thrilling tale of him fighting off fifty merpeople. Harry chimed in a few times, saying he had never seen anything so impressive in his life. Hermione was fed up with the both of them.

Early March turned out to be its own adventure. Angry at Hermione and Ginny for snapping at her in the Three Broomsticks, Rita Skeeter had written about how they were toying with Harry's feelings.

"Damn," said Ginny, not at all affected. "Looks like my secret's out, Harry."

"How dare you?" Harry said, swallowing a spoonful of porridge. "My life is already 'littered with personal loss.' Now you've made me — what was it again? — suffer 'yet another emotional blow.' Damn you, Ginevra."

Ron looked at them like he couldn't believe they weren't taking it seriously. "She's made you out to be some sort of — of scarlet woman!"

"Scarlet woman?" Hermione repeated with an incredulous laugh.

"It's what my mum calls them," Ron explained, his ears going red.

Ginny just scoffed and neatly folded the article. "Skeeter's really losing her touch. I mean, really!"

"Yeah," Harry agreed. "Just look at how upset I am." He turned to Tracey sitting on his other side. "Can't you see the tears streaming down my face?"

"No," she said, though she hadn't even bothered to check.

"Yeah, me neither. Because they're not there." Harry swung back around. "Anyway, we better hurry up so we're not late."

Students from all tables had been watching for Harry's reaction. When he continued eating in peace, they returned to their meals.

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