34: I Wanna Dance with Nobody

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To my ALHS readers: Remember how I noted how many of my fics end up going down the crack treated seriously route?... No? Well, here's your reminder. Not for any particular reason, of course.

Summary: Harry has to open the Yule Ball despite not being a real champion; Boxing Day is more than just giving gifts this year.

"Potter, you are wanted in Professor Snape's office before breakfast tomorrow," said Abigail Prott.

Harry looked at her in surprise. "Any idea why?"

Prott shook her head. "None."

"Did you do anything to provoke him?" Ron asked as Prott turned away.

"You mean, like tell him to go fuck himself again?"

"You... didn't, did you?"

"No!" Harry paused. "Not out loud." He always had the feeling Snape knew how to read minds.

"Well, you better make sure you remember to go," said Hermione.

Harry did. In fact, he was so anxious he woke up forty minutes before his dormmates and was out the door before they had even left their beds. He headed for Snape's office and knocked.

"Enter!" came the professor's sharp voice.

Harry stepped inside and waited for him to speak.

"I'm sure you have wondered why dress robes were on your school list," Snape began.

Harry nodded. "Yes, sir."

"The Yule Ball has been a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament for as long as it's existed. And you, as a champion — real or not"— he glanced bemusedly at the badge Harry still wore — "must open with a partner."

Something dropped in Harry's stomach. "But everyone else can choose whether they want to go or not?"

"Indeed." Snape looked as though he was enjoying Harry's distress. "Well, third years and lower must be asked by an upper year to attend, but yes, they have a choice."

Harry sighed. "I'd rather not."

"Pity." Snape's lip curled slightly, but he said nothing more. "One more question."

Harry looked at him expectantly.

"How long do you plan on wearing that?" He nodded to the badge.

"Uh... until the tournament is over."

Snape raised an eyebrow at him, looking as though he had plenty of things to say. But all he did was dismiss him. And when Harry had closed the door, Snape rubbed his face.

"Just like his mother," he muttered.

Harry stumbled out through the door and went to rejoin his friends in the Great Hall to tell them.

"That's not a surprise," said Hermione. "You are the stars of the tournament after all."

"But I have to dance. With another person!" Harry groaned, thumping his forehead against the table.

"Well, you'd probably look pretty foolish if you were dancing on your own," Ron joked.

"Assuming you know how to dance," came Malfoy's unwelcome voice. He had just arrived, flanked as always by Crabbe and Goyle. "Did your wolf and mutt give you lessons, Potter?"

Harry just waved a hand at him like he was swatting away a fly. This somehow seemed to insult Malfoy even more than if Harry had actually come up with a retort.

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