29: Summertime Excitement

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Sorry for the lack of updates. Julie and the Phantoms has been living rent-free in my mind.

Anyway, on to an extra long chapter (~2900 words). Enjoy!

Summary: Everything hurts: Harry's scar, Viktor Krum's nose, Aidan Lynch's entire body, Sirius' hand, Remus' shoulder

Harry sat up in bed with a sharp cry, hand clapped over his scar. His hair was drenched in sweat and his heart was pounding so loudly he wasn't surprised when he heard footsteps thundering closer, stopping right outside his door.

"Harry, are you okay?" came Sirius' anxious voice.

"Y-yeah, I think so." His voice was shaky, though, and he wasn't surprised when Remus said, "We're coming in, okay?"

They did, each wearing expressions of concern. For a fleeting instance, Harry thought they looked just like Mr. and Mrs. Weasley.

"So?" Remus prompted, sitting down at the foot of his bed. "What's wrong?"

"I... I think I had a... well, it wasn't a dream exactly..." Harry began, staring at his lap as he struggled to make sense of what he saw. "Pettigrew was in it."

Sirius' hands clenched into fists.

"So was Voldemort and this old man," Harry continued. "I think he was a Muggle."

"So the servant did go back to the Dark Lord," Remus muttered.

Harry rubbed his forehead, his scar still stinging. "They mentioned killing someone. Aside from the Muggle. I can't remember the name."

Remus and Sirius were quiet for a moment.

"Anything else?" Sirius asked hesitantly.

"They're plotting to kill me."

This came as no surprise to Harry, so he was startled when he heard a low growl from his left.

"Over my dead body," said Remus.

Sirius put a hand on his knee. "Easy, Moony," he said, though he, too, sounded like he was barely reining in his anger.

Harry laughed hollowly. "If it comes to it, it will be."

"Okay." Remus was calmer now, gripping the hand that was still on his knee. "Okay," he repeated. "Thank you for telling us, Harry. This is... I believe something big is going to happen."

"You don't need to be a Seer to believe that," said Harry.

"Well." Sirius straightened his back. "There's no point in going back to sleep. Breakfast?"

Harry nodded. Food might ease his nerves at least a little.

Remus and Sirius left to get started. Meanwhile, Harry got dressed and went into the bathroom to brush his teeth.

By the time he came down, breakfast was almost ready.

Kreacher could be heard muttering to himself as he moved about in the kitchen. Sirius still didn't really liked the old house-elf, but as he was the only Black alive, he was in charge of him. Harry couldn't exactly blame Sirius for his dislike. Kreacher shared the same disdain toward Muggles, Muggle-borns, and creatures as the Malfoys and Sirius' family did.

"The great Harry Potter should not be in the company of blood traitors and werewolves..." Harry overheard him once during dinner. "My poor mistress, if she knew..."

Remus grabbed a hold of Sirius' arm before he could rise from his chair. "Don't," he murmured. "It's not worth it."

Now, as Harry took his usual seat, Kreacher snapped his fingers and sent a plate zooming over and settling gently in front of Harry.

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