38: The Dark Lord

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Chapter's shorter than as of late, but meh.

Summary: Voldemort has risen

CW (content warning): non-graphic torture, blood mention

At first, he was okay. But as time went on, Remus could feel tension rising in Ron's shoulders until he was shifting every few seconds.

"It'll be all right," Remus said, trying not to give away his own anxiety. "Harry's not aiming to win, remember?"

He looked down at where Fleur and Krum sat huddled with their respective schoolmates. They were safe at least.

"Remus?" Ron sounded frightened.

Remus turned his head. "Yes?"

"Would you believe me if I said I might have Seer abilities?"

On his other side, Hermione looked at him sharply. "What is it? Is Harry in trouble?"

The fact that she did not scoff at Ron's words didn't bode well.

"No.. maybe... yes?" Ron groaned in frustration. "I don't know, I can't explain it. I just feel bad!"

At that moment, red sparks shot up into the air. It took some time, but Moody appeared with a dazed Cedric.

Ron still didn't relax. If anything, he grew more agitated.

Remus squeezed between people until he stood next to Dumbledore. "Did you see Harry?" he asked Moody.

Moody shook his head. But whether it was because of Ron's apparent Seer abilities or something else, Remus found he didn't believe him. He made his way out of the stadium and kept going until he was outside of Hogwarts before Apparating away.

Was it possible to feel this much pain at once? Harry wondered dully. He was shaking, his limbs like blocks of wood.

Around him, the Death Eaters laughed.

"A little break," said Voldemort, "a little pause... that hurt, didn't it, Harry? You don't want me to do that again, do you?"

If Harry wasn't so keen on not being under the Cruciatus Curse for a third time, he would've made a retort.

"I asked you whether you want me to do that again? Answer me! Imperio!"

The pain faded away. For a second or two, Harry was in a state of blissfulness. A voice sounded in his ears, muted as if underwater.

Just answer "no"... say "no"...  just answer "no"...

Even in his calm state, Harry knew exactly who the voice belonged to. No, I won't...

Just answer "no"...

I won't say it... I won't say it...

"I WON'T!"

And then the ache was back full-force.

"You won't?" said Voldemort quietly, and the Death Eaters were not laughing now. "You won't say 'no'? Harry, obedience is a virtue I need to teach you before you die... perhaps another little dose of pain?"

He raised his wand, but Harry was ready. He was sorely outnumbered, but not one of the Death Eaters had their wands out; if he could catch them by surprise...

A cackle had them all freezing. The Death Eaters parted, and Bellatrix came forward, holding another person.

"Remus!" Harry cried, struggling to stand but falling back down.

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