Part 6

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The Gringotts break-in happens earlier in this fic, but still on the same day Harry gets his supplies. Otherwise, the dates wouldn't have matched up.

Summary: The first two weeks weren't horrible. Although Draco Malfoy certainly seemed to be making an effort to make them so.

When Harry awoke the next morning, he was momentarily confused. This wasn't Dudley's old bedroom. Or even the cupboard. Then he looked over to see a flash of red and it all came back to him.

He was at Hogwarts, the magical school his relatives had refused to tell him about. This was his chance to prove he wasn't a waste of space or a freak.

Ron yawned and sat up as Harry began changing into his school robes.

"Morning," said Harry.

"Hey." Ron didn't sound quite as cheerful and Harry paused.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. It's just that Percy will probably have written to our parents that I'm in Slytherin."

"They won't be... angry, will they?" Harry asked, thinking of how loud his uncle got when he was in a bad mood.

"I hope not."

The other three boys were also getting up. The energetic one that had been humming the night before started chatting with Amsel; Harry had a feeling they knew each other already. Zabini didn't say anything, although whether that was because it was early or he wasn't very social Harry didn't know.

Zabini was the first to finish getting dressed and left without a word. Harry and Ron followed soon after.

Ron's brothers were already eating at the Gryffindor table but paused when they saw Ron. The twins grinned at Ron and Percy nodded to him.

"I think your brothers are okay," Harry said, and Ron relaxed.

Only to tense up again when an owl flew in and dropped an envelope in front of him as he was sitting down.

"It's not a Howler," said Ron, looking slightly relieved. But it wasn't until he had shakily opened it that his expression loosened into a smile.

"I take it it's all good?"

"Yeah. Mum's surprised, but she's really happy for me. Same with Dad." He put the letter aside and eagerly dug into his food.

Hermione came slinking in seconds later. She sat down several seats away and didn't look at them. Her bushy hair fell forward, hiding her face, but Harry recognized the tension in her shoulders and her posture that begged for everyone to leave her alone.

Remembering the Bloody Baron's barely concealed disdain of her the night before, Harry wondered if there was something he was missing.

"Do some people have a problem with Muggle-borns?" he asked Ron.

Ron took a moment to answer. He swallowed the piece of steak he had bitten into and leaned in. "Some purebloods do. They think they're better because they aren't 'tainted' with Muggle blood."

"Tainted?" Harry echoed in disgust.

Ron nodded, looking unhappy himself. "Tainted. They even have have a word for it, it's terrible. Not all of them are like that, thank goodness. I know the Longbottoms are okay, and my dad actually works in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office."

"What does he do?"

"It's all to do with bewitching things that are Muggle-made in case they end up back in a Muggle shop or house."

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