62: Waiting

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Summary: They wait — and not just for Remus.

Nearly twenty-four hours had passed and Remus still hadn't made an appearance. In an effort to keep himself from going mad, Harry threw himself into learning everything he could about Horcruxes.

Hermione offered up a thick book titled Secrets of the Darkest Arts. It was awful; Harry couldn't understand why anyone, even someone like a teenaged Voldemort, would want to make even one Horcrux.

The book also included ways to destroy Horcruxes.

"Knowing how is great and all," said Harry, "but we need to know where we can get this stuff — and locate the last Horcruxes." And then figure out how they'd get them. Nagini was hardly away from Voldemort and who knew where Ravenclaw's diadem was?

The library in Grimmauld Place wasn't quite as big as the one at Hogwarts, but given the Black family's obsession with the Dark Arts, it had a higher chance of being helpful. So the trio spent the next few days poring over the books for any other clues and trying to come up with ideas as to where the remaining Horcruxes may be.

None of this distracted them from the news, however. According to the Daily Prophet, Muggle-borns were being rounded up because they had evidently stolen magic.

"What rubbish!" said Ron. "What if I claim Hermione's my cousin? I'll teach her the family tree and —"

"I don't think it would matter, Ron," Hermione broke in, though she gave his hand an appreciative squeeze. "Everyone knows we're friends of Harry Potter. There's targets on both our backs already. Besides," she added after a moment's thought, "we're together. Don't you think people will find that strange?"

Ron waved his hand dismissively. "Inbreeding is a part of pureblood culture. But you're right. No one who pays attention would be fooled."

"It was a good idea, though," said Sirius, only to break off as they heard a creaking sound, followed by footsteps.

"Harry?" Remus' voice sounded on the other side of the door, tight with pain. "Padfoot?"

"Dad!" Harry cried, leaping to his feet. Sirius grabbed his arm and drew his wand.

"Who is it really?"

"Remus John Lupin, also known as Moony. Currently Azure's least favorite person after almost sitting on her."

Sirius dropped his arm and yanked open the door.

Hermione let out a squeak of alarm and Harry felt his face drain of color as he caught sight of the blood. "Remus!" He and Sirius only just caught him in time before he fell. For the first time, Harry noticed he wasn't alone.

"Mrs. Amsel? What are you doing here?" Fear made him tense even more. "Where's Sid?"

Mrs. Amsel didn't seem to have heard. She was gazing at the floor dully like she didn't know where she was.

"She's in shock," said Sirius, as Ron guided her to a chair. "Kreacher!" he called.

The house-elf appeared at once, vial in hand. Ron took it and gently urged Mrs. Amsel to take it, which she did almost robotically.

"Thank you," she murmured after a moment.

Ron made some tea, which Remus and Mrs. Amsel gratefully drank. To Harry's relief, Mrs. Amsel began to recover, though her eyes still held a trace of fear. Sirius bustled about, cleaning the blood from Remus' face and muttering curses under his breath.

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