50: More than Meets the Eye

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Oh, would you look at that? Another update where the fun begins... mwahaha

Summary: Harry's vision makes him panic.

A Hufflepuff shouted in alarm as Ron knocked into her. "Sorry!" he called over his shoulder. Behind him, Hermione and Sid struggled to keep up, apologizing profusely to anyone they rammed into. Jayson pulled ahead, weaving between people like a fish in a stream.

"Too bad Hogwarts doesn't have a track team," Sid joked, panting. "Jay would wipe the rest of us in seconds."

"He's gonna wipe someone now if he doesn't stop," said Ron.

Sure enough, moments later, Jayson nearly collided right into Harry at the entrance to the common room.

"Harry!" Hermione exclaimed. "What happened?"

"Where have you been?" Ron demanded.

For a moment, Harry just stood there, blindly holding onto Jayson's robes to ground himself.

"You're sweating," said Jayson, rubbing circles on his back like he did with Kyra when they were younger. "What is it? You-Know-Who?"

Harry nodded against his shoulder and made a great effort to pull himself together. "Come with me."

He led them into a classroom and shut the door. "Voldemort's at the Department of Mysteries. He has Remus and Sirius."


"How d'you —?"

"Vision," Harry answered shortly. "We need to figure out how to get there."

"To the Department of Mysteries?" Sid said.

"Yes. That's where they are. Why are you staring at me like that?!"

For all four of them were gaping at him as though he had just suggested they do something asinine. Which, a logical part of him conceded, it was.

"Do you know for certain You-Know-Who is there?" Jayson said tentatively.

"Of course I do!"

"Harry, it's five o'clock," Hermione said. "The Ministry must be full of workers."

"This is Voldemort we're talking about," Harry snapped. "He could've disguised himself."

Sid had flinched violently at the name. "Maybe, but —"

Harry rounded on Ron. "What do you think?"

Ron looked startled. "Have — have you checked with the mirror?"

"Yes! I went straight for the dorm for it." Harry began pacing. "Bellatrix had it. She broke it."

"Broke it?" Hermione and Jayson repeated.

"Bellatrix?" Sid said at the same time.

"But before that, I heard a voice in the background. It sounded like Sirius. He was in pain."

Sid bit his lip, thinking hard. "What about the house-elves? Dobby and Kreacher? Maybe they can go check..." He trailed off; Harry was shaking his head, becoming increasingly agitated as seconds ticked by.

"Something was stopping them. A spell. A ward. Something. We have to get there or they'll die."

"Harry..." Jayson began.

Harry glared at him. "You don't have to come with me."

Jayson's eyes hardened. "That's not what I was going to say. But how in the world are we supposed to get there?"

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