70: All in Favor Say 'Fuck You'

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It's a bit weird since the Battle of Hogwarts took place much earlier than in canon — I want to say around October or November maybe; I'm horrible at keeping track of the passage of time — which means there's more time between then and school.

Summary: After the war; Slytherins don't turn their backs on their own — but it can be tempting

"Harry James Potter, you are the most idiotic, most irritating, most infuriating, most aggravating —"

"Hey, that doesn't start with an 'I'."

"— shut up — maddening little shit I have ever met." Hermione paused, then burst into tears.

"She's right, you know," said Ron.

Harry tilted his head. "Bit hypocritical coming from you, isn't it, Ron 'I'm-gonna-throw-myself-at-my-brother-without-any-warning-and-almost-die' Weasley?"

Ron opened his mouth as if he were about to make the greatest argument in the history of arguments, then closed it. "You're still madder than me."

"You're both mad!" Now Hermione turned her furious gaze on him. "You both could have died and then where would I have been? Your family?"

"Quiet down over there!" Madam Pomfrey shot a fierce glare from where she was standing over Dean Thomas. He had a nasty cut on his cheek, but otherwise he looked okay. Seamus hovered nearby fretfully, sometimes reaching over to touch his face.

"Sorry." Harry ducked his head.

"If you are feeling well enough, Potter and Granger, you may go." She turned back to Dean. "And for Merlin's sake, Finnigan, keep your hands away!"

Seamus dropped his hand, embarrassed.

Harry and Hermione bade Ron farewell and headed out of the hospital wing.

"Anyone dead?" Harry asked.

"I saw Colin Creevey," replied Hermione in a small voice. "And Mad-Eye Moody as well. But other than them, I'm not sure."

They found themselves heading for the Great Hall, where many had remained. Healers bustled around those that had been been too injured to risk moving while the dead were surrounded by their loved ones.

Sirius and Snape stood around Mad-Eye Moody's prone figure, heads bowed. They looked up as Harry and Hermione approached.

"How is Ron?" Sirius asked.

"He'll live. He shouldn't have come down earlier," said Harry.

"He thought you were dead," Hermione pointed out sharply. "He had to see you."

Harry could tell Sirius was about to say something on that subject but beat him to it. "Not now, Sirius, please. When we get home."

Sirius gazed at him for a long moment. "Very well. It's Remus that'll be doing most of the talking anyway."

McGonagall quietly stepped up to Snape's side. "Severus."

Snape met her gaze. "Minerva."

"I am glad to see you still with us," she said.

"You're one of the few who are."

Looking around, Harry thought he had a point. Although news had gotten out that Snape had been a traitor to Voldemort all along, it would take time for them to warm up to him — assuming they did.

"You played Voldemort so well," said McGonagall. "And the rest of us."

"I do not begrudge you for not trusting me. That was the entire point."

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