28: The Bees and the Birds... and the Frogs

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I am so behind in posting this on Ao3.

Summary: Well, fuck; fuck no

It took longer than usual for Harry to get dressed. By the time he was ready, everyone but Ron and Hermione were gone. They, too, had been in no rush to get down to the Great Hall.

"This is it," said Ron, his freckles standing out even more than usual on his pale skin.

"This is it," Harry echoed. Side by side, they headed out.

Before they had even reached the Great Hall, they knew something was amidst. It was deadly quiet; they'd probably hear a wand drop from the other side. Ron's brothers were sitting at the Slytherin table again as if waiting for him.

The trio entered the Hall and managed to slip into their seats undetected. As if by a signal, the Hall erupted in noise.

Someone slid Harry a copy of the newspaper, and he read it just to confirm what he already knew. Only for his jaw to drop.

Peter Pettigrew had escaped Azkaban, yes, but so did Bellatrix Lestrange. And unlike Sirius, their method had resulted in a guard being murdered.

"Only one guard?" Ron furrowed his eyebrows.

"Wouldn't be surprised if they were lying about it to cover it up," Hermione commented darkly. "Or that others got hurt even if they're still alive."

"The Ministry won't be happy about this," said Percy. "That's three escapes within a year."

"I'm more worried they're gonna get me killed," Harry muttered bluntly.

"They'll have to get through me first," declared Ron.

"It won't come to that," Percy said, throwing his brother a sharp glance. Fred and George stayed silent, but they were frowning at Ron.

"No, it won't," Hermione added, sounding as though she was trying to convince herself more than anyone. "It won't... It can't..."

The news that not only one prisoner had gotten out weighed down heavily on the whole school for the remainder of the year. Even the results of their exams coming through didn't cheer them up much, even though Harry, Hermione, and Ron passed every subject.

If there was anything that could make them feel even worse, it was the reminder that Remus was resigning. Students from all houses got together to make sure his leaving wasn't all too bad. Poor Remus woke to hundreds of letters and even a drawing made by Dean Thomas on the last day, all wishing him well and saying how much they'd miss him in the years to come. The twins naturally sent in something with their own style and watched Remus come staggering out of his quarters coughing after the pale blue smoke that spelled out IN HONOR OF MOONY exploded in his face.

The twins embraced him, sobbing dramatically while he stood there blinking like an owl, saying what an honor it was to have successfully pranked one of the legendary Marauders while Remus awkwardly patted them on the head. Then, when he went back in to clear the smoke and gather his things, the twins high-fived and immediately went to tell Harry.

"You two are idiots," said Harry, even as he, too, high-fived them.

"Seriously, what the hell were you thinking?" Ron added, grinning broadly.

His brothers bowed. "That, little Ronniekins," said George, "is how you make a lasting impression."

Hermione rolled her eyes and muttered something that distinctly sounded like "Boys!"

After breakfast, everyone headed for the train.

"Next year better be at least half as good," Tracey said fervently.

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