❃ Chapter Five - Alright

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Forcing heavy lids up, all I could hear were grunts and groans, water splashing, feet stomping. My head was pounding, the back of my head stinging with the pain. With a flicker of struggle I urged my limbs to move, but they stayed put, the alcohol in my system holding them in place. My head was against something hard, like a wall and my ass was wet. A breeze swiped past and just like that, I felt the cold all over my body, brushing my hair from my shoulders and chest. Brushing thin material on my breasts.

Jesus, what happened…? And what was with those grunts? What was happening?

A shout as loud as a honk peeled my lids up. With quick fluttering of the lashes to adjust my blurry vision to the images, I… felt my stomach turn in knots.

Beside me were four men fighting, but one winning, and that was the handsome stranger from earlier in the bar. Blinking rapidly, I worried I was seeing things wrong. As he aimed two perfect strikes to… hey, those were Basilio and Aimar, Javier's friends! Both of them almost fell back on the ground, panting, groaning and glaring at the stranger.

But he wasn't paying attention to them, he was… he was breaking Javier's arm! As I saw my boy-

No… no, no, he wasn't my boyfriend. Not anymore. Because he cheated on me with that blonde! And when I followed him outside to confront him about it he… oh, Jesus, that wasn't my boyfriend! That wasn't the caring man I fell in love with four years ago!

Looking at him as he cried, fallen on his knees as he held his arm with precious care, my heart was filled with a coldness beyond measure. No remorse, no worry or concern bloomed as I watched him get grabbed by the collar and held up with only one arm.

"You were alright until I showed up, huh? Well, I can't say I disagree," the stranger grinned, shoving him to the ground. As Aimar and Basilio launched at him, he attacked them without even looking at them, precision, calculation and perfect calm showing on his face as he put them down with both of his arms.

He wasn't even panting as he stared down at them with complete satisfaction.

"Now, now, I should be the first to know about playing dirty, so next time don't aim at my back." He said, lazily returning to his feet. Taking a few steps away from them, he leaned down, picked up a small knife and returned to Basilio. Lowering himself on his haunches, he pressed the knife to his neck as he stared at Javier.

"You dare come near her again, I'll tie a rope to your neck, tie the other end to my car and drag you across the city."

"You're bluffing!" Aimar called, jumping to his feet, stupidly holding his ground.

The stranger laughed in a hard burst, taking the knife away from Basilio's neck. "Is that so?"

"You can't even knock us out, American boy!" He chanted, while Basilio and Javier stared at him in horror.

The stranger clicked his tongue in his mouth as he shook his head slowly. "Oh, what is getting of my reputation…"

As he looked down, he smiled coolly at Basilio. Before either of us knew it, the knife was being drawn across Basilio's face. His scream percolated the alley, making me swallow through a dry throat. And then, as if it weren't enough, he stood up straight, looked at Aimar and with total precision threw the knife straight into his thigh.

𝓦𝓱𝓸𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓨𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓼Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora