Chapter 17

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Scott POV

  I didn't mean to fall asleep but I did. When I woke up I reached over to bring Mitch closer to me but he wasn't there. I sat up and heard music coming from down the hall. I slowly got up and followed the sound. I was right outside the old punishment room that we had yet to add anything new to. I peeked in and I saw Mitch sitting at a keyboard that I didn't know we owned. The song he was singing I had never heard of. It had a slow, calming slightly creepy feel to it.

The graveyard, the graveyard all full of light
The only age, the beating heart is empty of life
Dirt and grass, a shadow heart; the moon sails past
Blood as ice is an empty crisis, lonely it lies
Whoa-ah-ah-ah ah-ah, bring 'em all back to life
Whoa-ah-ah-ah ah-ah, bring 'em all back to life
Whoa-ah-ah-ah ah-ah, bring 'em all back to life
Whoa-ah-ah-ah ah-ah, bring 'em all back to life
Roots and lies, roots and lies, our family tree is old
From there we climb the golden hill, calmly will eternity
I held your heart, a giant wand; all tell of sorrow
And history begins to be blue and brown eyes
Whoa-ah-ah-ah ah-ah, bring 'em all back to life
Whoa-ah-ah-ah ah-ah, bring 'em all back to life
Whoa-ah-ah-ah ah-ah, bring 'em all back to life
Whoa-ah-ah-ah ah-ah, bring 'em all back to life
Aahh, Aahh Whoa-ah-ah-ah ah-ah, bring 'em all back to life
Whoa-ah-ah-ah ah-ah, bring 'em all back to life
Whoa-ah-ah-ah ah-ah, bring 'em all back to life
Whoa-ah-ah-ah ah-ah, bring 'em all back to life

Once he had finished singing I applaused him. He quickly turned around when I start to clap. "That sounded amazing baby."

"I guess. You weren't supposed to hear it though." He said looking down.

"Baby it sounded amazing you should sing more often. When did you get a keyboard though?" I asked.

"When Travis was still here he would always hear me humming so for my first birthday with him he got me this keyboard and I taught myself how to play it." He replied looking down.

I frowned "Doesn't it remind you of him baby?"

He looked up at me "I mean kind of but I won't let the past stop me from something I enjoy and I am definitely not getting a brand new one just because he got me this one. Mama ain't made out of money."

I laughed at the sassy remark at the end. "Well if it doesn't bother you baby then it is fine."

He smiled and jumped in my arms. I quickly caught him and spun him around. I placed him back on the ground and he smiled up at me. I leaned over and gave him a kiss. We kissed for a couple of minutes before we broke apart. "I love you Mitchie."

"I love you too Scotty."

Ding dong

I sighed. "Welp let's go say hello to our friends baby."

Mitch quickly grabbed my hand and we walked to the door. Once we got there I looked down a Mitch. He looked nervous "Don't worry baby you are 100% safe they are our friends they won't hurt you."

"I know but I am still nervous." He said.

"It's ok baby you have a reason to." I gave him a peck on the head and opened the door.

We were met with three smiling faces. "Hey guys." I said as I stepped aside to let them in.

They all said hello and came inside. Kirstie immediately gave Mitch a huge hug and he smiled and hugged her back. Kevin hugged Mitch as well with no problems. When it came to Avi I got nervous I didn't want any bad reactions from Mitch. Avi gently hugged Mitch causing him to laugh. "Avi you may be an Alpha but you aren't going to break me."

We all laughed and Avi hugged him tighter. "That will do I guess." Mitch sassed.

We laughed again and walked into the living room. We all sat down and went quiet. It was awkward for a couple of seconds until Kevin broke the silence. "So I started seeing someone."

We all looked up shocked "Ooh Kervy trying to get some." Mitch replied.

We all laughed and Kevin shook his head. "Her name is Leigh and she is also a beta. We have talked for a couple of months now. She was one of the nurses that made sure I was capable of taking care of myself after the war." (I went back to New York) sorry I leave XD 

Mitch looked shocked "And we are just now hearing about this why?" We laughed and Mitch looked at Kevin. "I am not joking I have yet to meet her so I do not approve...yet."

"Me neither we are your parents we must approve." Kirstie added.

"Ok mom's you guys can meet her." We all laughed.

"Sooo what's been up with you two?" Kirstie asked pointing to Mitch and I.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I think you know exactly what I mean. Considering those hickey's on Mitchie's neck." She said raising an eyebrow.

I looked over at Mitch and saw the love bites. His face was slightly pink but you could barely tell. "Well not like it was any of your guys business but we are dating I guess."

Kirstie squealed "I knew you two would end up dating! You two have liked each other for YEARS."

I shook my head of course she knew we probably both told her our feelings for each other.

"What do you mean you guess you are dating?" Kevin asked.

I looked over at Mitch and he nodded. "Well a couple of months after I got back Mitch went into heat and I um helped him um out."

Our friends were smirking but didn't say anything.

"The following day we found out we were mates." I said giving Mitch a kiss on the head.


We laughed and I gave Mitch another kiss as he nuzzled into my chest.



Kind of a longer chapter today. Hope you enjoyed.


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