chapter 5

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Mitch POV

  "Please an Alpha? What do you mean?" "Did you just speak without being spoken to, did I just enter the apartment;no that means you do not talk" Travis said as he grabbed a whip and hit me 5 times. "Now to please an Alpha you must be experienced and since you obviously are not experienced I am going to have to teach you. Being experienced means you can f*ck someone good and it PLEASES the Alpha." Travis said as he pulled down a screen. He hot play and for me being 18 it was VERY inappropriate. Mainly it was a bunch of porn he was showing me and that is all I did for the next 5 months. Wake up, eat, watch "it", eat, sleep and repeat.

5 months later

    After my time in the room watching "it" Travis turned off the tv. "Now omega show me what you have learned with undergarments." He said. "Yes sir" and well I showed him. Authors note- I just wanted to say that they were not intimate and for future reference Mitch will not be sexual assaulted at all by Travis. The worse it will get is probably blow jobs.

3 and a half years later

  "Good Morning sir would you like me to make you something to eat?" I asked. "Well thank you omega, yes I would love something to eat." Travis responded and I went to go make him food. I hate my life and the only reason I am still alive is because of one thing, Scott. I keep hoping he will come back from war and will save me from this. I know he was sent out with the first group of men and there is a very small chance that he will come back ,but I am still hoping this war will end and he will come back home. I miss Scott so much we are both now 21 and missed out on each others lifes for 3 and a half years. I just hope he will come home soon.  As I was reminiscing my life with Scott I realized that I had made food and finished making it. I put it on a plate and brought it to the table "Alpha food is ready" I called out through the house and immediately put my hands over my mouth because I had broken Alpha Travis's biggest rule. I fell into my best apology position just as Alpha Travis came storming in. He saw me in my pose and said "At least you know that you did something wrong now to the room." He said. I quickly got up and walked to the room and he went and grabbed the wooden paddle. "20 hits and count them out loud for me to hear." He commanded."1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9,10,11,12,.13,..14,...15,...16,....17,....18,..
.19,.....20." I whimpered out. "Good he said now let's go enjoy our food." He said. I quickly followed as he placed a breakfast salad out for me because I was too fat. He sat down and tried his food witch was an omelet with toast and orange juice. "Very good omega. I love it he said as he gave my head a quick kiss. I smiled because I liked when I did not disappoint him. After he finished I got up and started on the dishes and he went to his room.


Poor Mitchy it has been 3 and a half years since he last saw Scott and look where his life is now. But don't worry everything gets better with time. Hope you enjoyed.


I will never leave you again //schomicheDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora