chapter 11

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Scott POV

I went downstairs to the kitchen and had begun to make breakfast. Today we were going to be having scrambled eggs and potatoes. I finished breakfast and Mitch still had not come down.

"Mitchie breakfast is ready" I called. I waited a couple of minutes and he didn't come down. I started to head back upstairs and I went straight to his room.

I knocked "Mitchie breakfast is ready". He didn't respond so I opened his door. I hadn't been in his room since I had gotten back so what I saw completely unexpected. All around his room were pictures of him during and after punishment. I gasped at how hurt and helpless he looked. Mitch suddenly turned around to face me.

"Mitchy... what is all of this" I asked as I gestured to his room.

"I-i'm so-orry. I wa-anted to tell you but th-his the on-only way I am going to become a good Omega. Nobody is going to want this" he said pointing to himself. "I need to be a good Omega or else I will be a disappointment." At 5his point he was crying so I went up to him and hugged him.

"Mitchie look at me. You are perfect. Their is nothing wrong with you. You are the best Omega a person could ask for and if they don't see it then it is their lose. You do not need to change for anyone. If they truly care about you they will love you for who you are." Mitch sniffled and nodded.

"I'm sorry Scott. I know i was supposed to be getting better but I couldn't do it by myself." He said.

"From now on you and I are going to get through this together. I don't want you to have to do this on your own so I will help you and it starts with these books and pictures."

He nodded and grabbed one and put it in the shredder. "One down a whole room to go."

I smiled and pulled down another picture and put it in the machine.

         5 hrs later it is now 2pm
                   Mitch's POV

Scott once again took out the last box and I made us some sandwiches. Once he came back in he scooped me up and placed me on the counter. I smiled as I took a bite of my sandwich. Scott was leaning against the stove watching me eat.

"Can I help you, if you want to look at me you can just take a picture it will last longer"

Scott looked shocked "sassy queen Mitchie is back. I haven't seen her in a while. I am glad she is back I missed her" Scott said smirking.

"Well good because I missed her too and I think she is here to stay" I said smiling.

Scott stood up straight and walked over to me. We looked each other in the eyes and I saw his eyes look down at my lips then back to my eyes. He leaned forward and placed a kiss on my head then on each cheek and walked out of the room.

I was left there in the kitchen shocked from what had happened and all I heard was a faint laugh. This was going to be a long evening.

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