chapter 16

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Scott POV
4 months later

It has been 4 amazing months knowing that I was Mitch's mate. We spend every second of the day together; wake up together, spend the day together and end the day wrapped in each other's arms. It has been 10 months since I last seen Avi and Kevin but it has been years since I have seen Kirstie. Mitch hasn't seen any of them for years and I wanted him to see other people besides me. I decided to reach out to them to see if they wanted to come over and hang out like old times.

Scott: hey guys what are you up to?
Avi: nothing much just enjoying having Kirstie back
Kevin: I'm just reading. How are you and Mitch doing though? Was he happy when you got back?
Scott: well sort of
Avi: what do you mean?
Scott: well when I came back I found out that this Alpha named Travis had been staying there while I was gone. He start treating Mitch how society expects omegas to act.
Avi: what the hell!?! I want to kill that guy
Kevin: Avi calm down we are all mad but let's not kill anyone.
Scott: I was so mad and had to practically unteach him everything. Now I think he is better and I want all of us to get together.
Kevin: I'm down
Avi: when do you want to meet?
Scott: are you guys available today?
Avi: yeah we can be over in 30
Kevin: yeah I'll be there in about 30 as well.
Scott: ok see you guys soon and Avi try to calm down before you get here.
Avi: whatever dude I care about Mitch

I laughed and looked next to me. Mitch was curled up snuggled into my chest. "Mitchie?"

"Hmm" he responded looking up at me.

"I texted Avi and Kevin to see if they wanted to hang out today and they will be here in 30 minutes."

"WHAT" Mitch said with wide eyes. He jumped up and started cleaning up around the house.

"Mitchie" I said trying to get his attention. He continued to clean though.

"Baby" i tried again. No response.

"Mitch" I said getting annoyed that he wasn't listening. He was now in the kitchen placing dishes in the washer.

"MITCHELL LISTEN TO ME" I yelled. Mitch turned around quickly at the sound of my voice and dropped into omega position. I felt myself calm down once he stopped but as soon as I saw him like that I felt my eyes turn back to my normal color.

I knelt down on my knees and lifted his head up. My eyes were met with another pair of blue eyes. I felt my heart ache knowing I did that to him. "Mitchie..."

"I am sorry Alpha. I should have listened to you but i was worried. I deserve whatever punishment you seem fit." Mitch said looking back down.

"Baby I am not going to punish especially not for something like this. I shouldn't have yelled at you knowing what you went threw while I was gone. I just didn't want you to get hurt."

He looked up at me with his omega blue eyes "Y-your not g-going to punish m-me?" 

I felt my wolf whimper. Not only did both of us care about Mitch but he was also our mate. Both of us hatted seeing him like this but my wolf wanted to take him to our bedroom. I shook my head and focused on him. "No Mitchie I am not going to punish you. You got worried and I shouldn't have yelled but I didn't want you to get hurt."

"O-ok Alpha" he said and snuggled into my chest. I sighed and wrapped my arms around him.

"Mitchie first please don't call me Alpha I don't like you thinking you have less power over me. Secondly the house looks fine there is no need to worry about it."

"Ok Scotty. I'm sorry I will try to listen better. Can we cuddle on the couch before everyone gets here?" He asked still nuzzled into my chest.

"Of course baby. Come on" I said as I tried to stand up but Mitchie kept his arms latched around me.

He made grabby hands at me and I smiled "Does baby want me to care him?"

He nodded and I bent over scooping him in my arms bridal style. He kept his head nuzzled into my neck as I walked to the couch. I laid down and Mitchie put his head on my chest.

I petted his hair and I felt him relax. "I love you baby"

He looked up at me "I love you too Scotty" and returned his head to my chest; quickly falling asleep.



I am sooooo sorry it has been so long since I updated. I started my first year of high school 3 weeks ago and I honestly didn't have time. I will try to update this story as much as possible. Hope you guys are still here.


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