chapter 15

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Mitch's POV

The next morning

I woke up the next morning wrapped in something warm and cozy. I tried to turn around but all I felt was pain. I tried to think what happened last night and remember; I slept with Scott. My best friend, roommate and long time crush. Why had I let this happen he is probably going to hate me now. I wanted to get up but he had his arms wrapp tightly around me. I poked his arm trying to wake him up. "Scotty wake up" I whispered.

"No i'm to comfy" he responded in a rough morning voice and wrapping me tighter.

I laughed he wasn't going to let me go any time soon. 'Well at least let me turn around to face you."

He sighed and loosened his grip. I tried to roll over but ended up hissing in pain. "Baby are you okay" Scott asked.
I nodded but he didn't believe me so he pulled me on top of him so I was laying in his chest. I giggled again and looked down at him. Our eyes made contact and all of the sudden my wolf yells "MATE" I looked at Scott's face and he had a shocked look on his face.

"D-did you hear t-that"

"If you are talking about my wolf yelling mate then yes"

I smiled "You're my mate. I can't believe it"

Scott was still stari at me so I looked back down at him. "D-do you n-not want t-to be my m-mate" I asked timmedly. "Because if you don...mhup" I was cut off with a kiss. Scott had kissed me on purpose.

He pulled apart and kept our foreheads together. "Mine. Your all mine"

I giggled "yes I am yours and only yours"

He nuzzled his nose into my neck giving me small kisses every time. He got sown to my mark spot and teased it a little before pulling away.

"I have a question?"

"What is it Scotty"

"Before last night did you have a crush on me at all?" He questioned

"Scotty I may be a dumb omega but I do know when I live with so extremely hot. I have had a crush on you since the second year you were gone. When Travis first came he told me he was going to help me get you to love me and that is why I learned everything so willingly." I said blushing and looking down.

"First of all you are not dumb you are a smart omega who just so happens to be my mate. Second of all I have liked you since we moved in together. Lastly that was very sweet baby but you didn't have to listen to him just to try to impress me. I love you for who you are princess."

I looked down and blushed even more. Scott laughed and brought my head back up. "Hi, I see you remembered what I told you last night huh." I said.

"It is very important to pay attention to my mate especially when they tell me what they like."

Blushing more I said "I don't want to get up today. Can we just lay here and watch movies all day?"

"Sure baby" he said as he grabbed the remote "what do you want to watch?"

I took the remote and found "the notebook" clicking play.

"The notebook of course." Scott commented. I smiled and gave him a kiss and cuddled up into his chest lis to his heart beat. As the movie continued he figured out that I loved to be pet on the head and was now doing that. This was the perfect way to find your mate and the best way to spend the day.

After the notebook we watch a star is born, when Harry met Sally, La la land and love, Simon. By this time it was already 7pm and neither of us had eaten. Scott got up and got the leftover food from yesterday and we ate that while watching Frozen. By the end of it I could barely keep my eyes open and Scott rubbing my head was not helping.

Once it ended I turned onto my side and curled back into Scott. He chuckled and turned off the TV and laid down. He wrapped his arms around me and i fell asleep the best way possible after the bestcday ever.

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