chapter 2

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Scott POV

    I woke up and I was on the couch with mitchie. God I love him so much, I thought to myself. I could look at him all day and spend every second with him, but not anymore. I now had to report to the Army. "Mitchie wake up, don't you want to see me before I have to leave?"
Mitch slowly opened his eyes and as soon as he say me he started to cry. "Awww Mitchie don't cry I won't be gone long. This war couldn't last that long." Mitch wiped his tears and said "okay but I am still going to miss you and I don't know what I will do without you Scotty." I sighed and pulled him into my arms and we stayed like that for 3 horrible hours.

3 hours later

  "Okay mitchie I have to go now. I will see you soon." Mitch ran up to me and hugged me. "Bye bye Scotty" he said and I closed the door to the apartment and left my best friend, roommate and the person I loved the most.

Mitch POV

  As soon as I closed the door I fell to the ground crying. I loved Scott and without him I am going to be a complete mess. I stayed by the door for the rest of the day until it was night. I grabbed our homemade films and went to cry for the rest of my life in my room until Scotty is back.

6 weeks later Mitch POV

  I was laying in my room 6 weeks to the day that Scotty left for war. I was still crying and couldn't handle talking to anyone besides my parents. They knew what I was going through and were very comforting. I was rewatching for the 12th time our first play we every did together "Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory" when there was a knock at the door. I got up and opened the door to see my parents standing there. "Oh Mitch how are you? Your father and I came here to check on you. Are you still crying?" My mom asked. "Um yeah Scotty was my best friend. What do you expect me to just forget about him and move on?" "Actually that is exactly what you are going to do Mitchell." Said my father. "Your mother and I were very worried that Scott was making you unwanted by your Alpha soulmate." "We were so worried that we found someone that will help you become the perfect omega; all of the gay Alpha's are going to be fighting for you once he is done with you." My mom said. "Him? Well when do I get to meet him?" "Right now, Mitchell this is Travis Bush; the best Alpha to fix you into the perfect omega."


Hiiiii I hope you liked this update. I could feel myself tearing up at the beginning. Hope you enjoyed this.


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