chapter 12

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Scot POV

"Can I help you, if you want to look at me you can just take a picture it will last longer" Mitch said.

I was shocked "sassy queen Mitchie is back. I haven't seen her in a while. I am glad she is back I missed her" I said with a smirking.

"Well good because I missed her too and I think she is here to stay" he said smiling.

I was so surprised with how Mitchie was acting. Mitch had been acting like the expected omega and I was so happy he was beginning to act normal. I couldn't help myself;I stood up and walked over to Mitch. He looked me  in the eyes and I let my eyes look down at his lips then back to his eyes. I leaned forward and placed a kiss on his head then on each cheek and walked out of the room.

I was left Mitchie in the kitchen shocked from what had happened and I couldn't help but laugh. This was going to be a long evening.

I went and sat down on the couch "Mitchie come here" I called.

Mitch came running into the living room "Yes, do you need me to get you something" he asked.

"Yes I do need something; I need your cuddles." I said with a smile and pulled him into my lap.

He giggled and buried his head into my chest. I smiled and gave him a peck on the head. Even after 5 years I still love this boy. "Mitchie" I asked looking at him. "Hmm" he said.

"Are we ok? I mean I kinda just kissed you. Did I step over a boundaries" I asked.

"Umm.. yeah we are fine total. I mean it meant nothing right" he asked.

I was shocked of course it meant something. He knew me better than that. I NEVER kiss random people. When I kiss someone it means that I like them. "Yeah it meant nothing. It was just heat of the moment" I said.

"Okay" Mitch said. He grabbed the remote and clicked on Frozen. I guess our awkward conversation was over. I got up to order us some hamburgers.

                    Mitch's POV

"Mitchie come here" Scott called. I ran over to the living room. "Yes, do you need me to get you something" I asked.

"Yes I do need something; I need your cuddles." Scott said with a smile and pulled me into his lap.

I giggled and buried his head into my chest. He smiled and gave him a peck on the head. "Mitchie" Scott asked looking at me. "Hmm" I said.

"Are we ok? I mean I kinda just kissed you. Did I step over a boundaries" He asked.

"Umm.. yeah we are fine total. I mean it meant nothing right" I asked. I know Scott he never kisses someone randomly. When he kisses someone it means something.

"Yeah it meant nothing. It was just heat of the moment" he said.

"Okay" I said. I guess I don't know Scott that well. But why would I think he liked me. Travis was right. I'm a useless omega. I am only good for cleaning and sex. I am a slut and a bitch. Why would Scott like me. I grabbed the remote and clicked on Frozen. I guess our awkward conversation was over. Scott got up to order us some food.

I will never leave you again //schomicheKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat