chapter 4

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For the next couple of chapters it will be Mitch's POV.

  "What do you mean we have a lot of work to do? I am a very helpful and nice person." I told Travis. "If you are helpful that will help this process go a lot faster, but you do not know how to respect someone of higher rank then you. You are an omega which means you are supposed to be submissive. When you are near an Alpha you are supposed to treat him/her with respect. An omegas goal in life is to find their love and want to always make them happy. When the time comes omega's will have kids and they are the ones who raise them." Travis explained. "So your telling me that I was just born to help create more offspring and to make Alpha's happy?" I asked with a little sass. "Exactly, now we are going to begin working on that starting with poses." He said "Poses? What the heck are poses for?"I asked. "Each pose means a different thing. Our first pose is "submissive." He said and pushed me into an uncomfortable position that felt almost normal to me. "Good" he said "now apology" and he put me in another position. As I was in this pose I felt very weak like I had done something wrong. "Very good" he praised me. "Next is beg" he stated and put me into another pose. "Amazing you are pro at poses." Travis said. I couldn't help but be happy that I had pleased him. We continued going over the poses and when to know when to go in them for the rest of the week.

   On Friday we were in the living room and he called out different poses then I would go into them. We did this for 4 hours and he said I was a natural. "Okay now that the week is over and you have learned the poses we will move onto to something else. Since you already proved to me that you can control your eye color and you can clean and cook we are going to work on pleasing Alpha's." Travis said. He grabbed my wrist and brought me down the hall to the extra room we had in the apartment. "I have been working on this room since I got here and it is finally complete." He said with a smile. He opened the door and what I saw scared me so much.

If the picture is not showing up it is a create your own 50 shades of grey room.

"This is the "playroom" this is wear we will work on all the other things you need to learn to be a omega." Said Travis. "Okay" I said. Travis then looked at me and I knew that look. I quickly got into the apology position. "Do you know why you are in this position?" He asked. I shook my head no. "You are in this position because you didn't answer me properly. From this point on whenever you make a mistake you will be punished like an other omega. For incorrect adressment I am giving you 10 paddles and you WILL count them out loud." He said. I looked at him like he was insane and for that hesitation I got another 10 with pants off. "Now go one the bed and began counting." I went over to the bed and he hit me"1" again "2" again "3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12" by this time I was crying very hard "13...14......15.....16......17......
18.......19........2..20...." I said I was now full on balling. "Very good he said now you are going to learn how to please an Alpha.


Poor mitch. Enjoy thanks for reading


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