"Oh and by the way, were staying too! Mum and Dad are visiting Charlie, and I dont think we could stand Percy for another week. He's going with, thank Merlin." Fred said.

 I was actually quite looking forward to this holiday season. Generally I hate the holidays, sitting with family for long grueling hours while uptight relatives visit. They always get me boring gifts like quills and parchment, and then yell at Dad and I for being to noisy. The cousins are great because the little boys help me prank dad and the little girls are always a good time. I will miss Dad and the cousins but I think one year away will be fine.

I woke up and grabbed my coat and boots. I met Fred, George, and Pacifica in the common room before breakfast. I had never really had a full conversation with Pacifica but she seemed sweet. She complimented just about every inch of my body each with genuine interest.

" I really adore your hair Arabella. I want to learn how to do that but I just dont know if im up for it." She said. My hair had since gone back to the original blonde dye job after Fred dyed it Red with me. I loved the red but it didn't suit me as well as it suited the Weasley's. When we got into Hogsmeade, George and Pacifica split off from us to go get butterbeer.

"Where to first?" Fred asked. I looked around for a bit and we settled on Honeydukes. It was like a dream come true for my younger self. Dad used to sneak me candy back from villages he would do odd jobs in. We stuffed our pockets full to the brim with candy. We headed back out into the snowy street and went to join George and Pacifica.

When we got into the small shop they weren't there, but instead was a very happy looking Narcissa Malfoy at the register.

"Ill get us drinks?" I told Fred. He grabbed a table and I headed up to Narcissa.

"Good morning, Mrs. Malfoy. What brings you to Hogsmeade?" I asked as I approached her.

"Oh darling! I haven't heard from you, I was beginning to get worried. I just love butterbeer and when I have free time I apparate here to take a break from life." She said with a soothing tone of voice.

" I am very sorry for not writing, but I've been well. Adjusting has been a bit rough but all together very lovely." I told her. The waitress got her the butterbeer and she stood with me until Fred and I's came out.

"Have you talked to Draco at all? He's been getting in quite a bit of trouble, giving other students problems I assume." She added. I didn't know whether to tell her about the run in with him. I looked down and hesitated for a moment.

"I've seen him about. If I see him again I'll make sure to tell him hello." I said as the waitress handed me my drinks.

"Well, I better get back to my er- friend." I said finally leaving her side to sit by Fred in a small booth. We sipped the butterbeer and he asked about Narcissa.

"Oh we just met a while back, quite a kind woman compared to her son." I joked. Fred swallowed a large sip of butterbeer and looked very tired. I pointed to his upper lip where he had a foam mustache. He wiped it off his sleeve and smiled. Right before we left Narcissa walked over to our booth and said goodbye.

"Goodbye Arabella, do give my best to Draco." Her eyes caught Fred's and they both smiled, "Mr. Weasley is it? Pleasure to meet you, I've met  your father a handful of times. Hes a very interesting fellow indeed, Have a good day you two." She left and Fred laughed.

"Nothing like her husband either" He said. I looked up with a confused look on my face.

"Oh you dont know? Lucius hates my father, has tried to get him fired one too many times. They're a very powerful and rich wizarding family, we dont have quite the money or power but my parents done mind." He added on. We headed out as Fred kept talking about his dad. "my dad works for the muggle artifact department of the ministry. Its one of the lower parts but he makes well enough money for us to live. The Malfoys like to use it against us but there's a rumor spreading their in league with you-know-who. We would rather be poor than be traitors any day. Narcissa seems nice though, nothing like the other two." He finished. We walked back to the castle and sat in the common room for a bit before heading upstairs for bed.

Amour - Fred WeasleyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant