Chapter 6

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A nasty grin sprawled across Jet's face. He seemed more mature, but in maturity he gained more muscle mass. And it seemed that his hatred for the Fire Nation grew even stronger.

"Sokka... A nice surprise to see you around the man who let your girlfriend die.." Jet smirked, holding his head down slightly. Sokka's eyes narrowed, beaming a menace look. Zuko may have seen Sokka upset, but he has never seen him this mad before.

"What do you know about Suki.." Sokka's stance also gotten more top-heavy, ready to attack. "You couldn't have been there..." Zuko said, walking up infront of Sokka, to give some space between Jet and him.

"Who do you think started that petty little riot, couldn't be some common earth junkie. You go-" Jet was cut off with a painful hit to the sternum. Sokka bypassed Zuko without him noticing. Hitting Jet.

Jet fell onto the floor, knocked out. Sokka shook his hand. It was bleeding.
Zuko stood there, flabbergasted. He was processing what just happened in the span of 5 seconds. "S-Sokka you can't just do that! And your bleeding, we nee-" Zuko was cut off by Sokka. "Look, I don't care what you do with him, just make sure he suffers. Not only did he take away my Girlfriend..." He paused. Wondering if he should say this. "He took my unborn child. Now do you understand my frustrations..?" There was no tears. No sadness. No remorse. Just flat out anger and pain.

Zuko looked away from the non-bender, his eyes on the floor. Sokka brushed passed him, going to his room. The room was silent. "...Take the prisoner to the underground chambers. I'll deal with him later.." Zuko stated.

Zuko walked to Sokka's room. He heard crying. Zuko sighed softly, looking a little distraught. He knocked on the door softly. "..Who is it.." Sokka said, muffled by the door. Zuko opened the door and peeked his head in. "...I heard crying..." Sokka wiped his tears off his face. "No...." Zuko shook his head and walked in the room, climbing on the bed behind Sokka. Zuko grabbed him, holding him close to his own chest. Sokka clinged onto Zuko, hugging him like a child would to their mother after a long time of separation. There was still small hiccups and whimpers from Sokka, trying to hold them back.

Zuko started to stroke the non-benders hair, combing through it with his fingers. This made Sokka calm down more easier than anything else. Sokka was now limp against Zuko, breathing with a level tone. Zuko raised him up a little and gave him a kiss on the head.

Although they didn't speak at all they knew what was going on in each other's mind. They knew each other's sentences, feelings, even mood. It was just sprawled out on the bed. There was no talking, no noise, no interruptions. Just intimacy. Sweet love that neither of them would admit to.

Sokka began to fall asleep. His eyelids got even heavier as the minutes went by. Eventually he gave in, sinking into Zuko, snoring softly. Zuko noticed that Sokka was asleep.

Idk if this is a Trigger but Tw: Survivor's Guilt

He smiled softly, though it was plagued with the thought of Sokka's unborn child. '...I can't even imagine what he's gone through and what he's hidden.. He even forced himself to laugh with us throughout the years.' He hugged Sokka even closer.

"..I'm sorry..." Zuko said quietly with tears in his eyes.

It hit Zuko like a truck. The wave of guilt flew over him. '.. he's lost everything because of me..why did she die... And not me?'

Zuko carefully placed Sokka on the bed, covering him up.

He left, closing the door.

Tw over

The Firelord went to the place where Jet was being held. When he got there Jet was awake, waiting patiently. "Hello...I see your here to finally join me.." Jet sneered, his face looking even more smug, even though he was beat by Sokka. Zuko stayed silent, wondering what to do with this...problem.

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