Chapter 14

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~~~~~~Kataang Pov~~~~~~~

"Sure I'd love to go to the Omashu!" Aang exploded with happiness, hugging his girlfriend. The two giggled and looked each other in the eye. "...When do you wanna go?" Katara asked, smiling. Aang thought about it. "Hmm.. how about Today?" Katara nodded. "Alright, are the others coming with us?" She seemed to be exited. "Nah, I wanted it to just be an us day, is that okay?" Aang asked. Katara nodded and smiled.

The two began to pack their stuff and put it on Appa. Zuko and Sokka walked in on them getting ready to leave. "..Where are you two going?" Sokka asked, crossing his arms. "Omashu." Aang said. "Alone..?" Zuko said, confused. Katara nodded. "Alone."

"Sheesh, okay, have fun I guess." Sokka said. "..Let's go have some fun ourselves.." Sokka also said, looking at Zuko. Zuko blushed and got dragged by Sokka. Katara rolled her eyes and looked to her boyfriend. "...Ready?" Aang nodded. "Let's go." Katara got on the back of Appa while Aang got himself situated. "Yip yip!" Appa lifted off the ground and started flying over to Omashu.

The pair were flying through the air, enjoying the wind on their faces, its been forever since they were alone like this. "...So what are you planning to do when you get there?" Katara asked, sprawling out on Appa. "Well first we gotta go check up on Bumi, you know he's been unwell lately. Then afterwards we get a place to stay and enjoy the rest of the day how you please, then tomorrow is when I-" Aang stopped. "...Never mind. Let's just focus on today."

Katara scrunched her nose a little bit. "...Alright,if you insist." Katara sighed and rolled over to sleep.

Around 8 hours later the couple arrived in Omashu. Appa landed tiredly and walked to their housing place the had a while ago. Then he laid down for the couple to get off. "..Good job buddy." Aang said tiredly, he picked up his ad Katara's stuff and placed them inside, then he came back out for Katara. She was sitting up, awake. "...Good morning, love." She said as she got off of Appa. "Good morning. Do you rest well?" Aang went to hug his Girlfriend. She nodded and hugged Aang. "Good. Now, let's get inside so I can sleep." Aang let go of Katara and held her hand, leading her into the building they were staying in.

They walked to their room and got in bed. Both of them were still tired, even if Katara had sleep she she seemed to never have enough sleep lately. Aang wrapped his arms around Katara and fell asleep, soon Katara did the same.

~Toph Pov~

Toph sat infront of her father and her mother in her normal clothing. She blindly looked at them, with a distasteful look on her face. "....You wanted to talk, so talk. I won't be here long enough to hear yo myur bullshit." Her father sighed. "...Daughter.... Can we watch the language plea-" Her father managed before getting interrupted. "To hell with that, get to the point." Toph blinked and got even more agitated.

Her father cleared his throat. "..We wanted to call you to apologise. For everything. Not treating you like a human.. Not even treating you like someone we love, like you're just an object. Sending people after you, everything." He looked down, shamefully. "....What about you mother, you're awfully quiet."

Her mother looked at her daughter. She didn't say a word. Toph nodded and crossed her arms. "...Dad.. I accept your apology, but not mother. Now if you excuse me, I have someone I would like to be with." Toph stood up and walked out.

When she walked out she was greeted by her Boyfriend. He gave a weary smile. "...You seem to be in pain, is something wrong?" Toph asked, grabbing his hand. "..It's just cramps, don't worry about me." He smiled. "..Yin, I know you're lying. You know what, let's go home, I've had enough social interaction for a month. We can go relax together in a bath, okay?" Toph smiled and squeezed his hand gently. Yin smiled. "...Sure, I would like that a lot." Toph smiled as Yin led the way, intertwining their fingers together.

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