Chapter 4

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The fire Nation ship arrived in the Capital harbor. Sokka and Zuko were already up and ready to leave the ship.

"...I'm nervous.." Sokka said. Zuko looked up at Sokka, grabbing his hand and rubbing it with his thumb. "It's going to be one can hurt you here, understand?" Zuko said softly, leaning on Sokka slightly. "I understand.. it's just I haven't been here since-" Sokka's grip on Zuko's hand tightened.

Zuko looked down, he didn't think of that. "..we don't need to go around there right away, we can walk around first.."

"Don't we have to change and clean up first though.." Sokka asked. "...Oh..I forgot.." Zuko stared, a bit frustrated.

"Sir's, we've arrived, the Nation is very happy to see you return, Lord Zuko." General Lo announced.

"Thank you General Lo, we will be on our way." Zuko and General Lo bowed.

Sokka and Zuko looked at each other. Zuko gave a small smile. "Ready..?" Zuko asked. Sokka inhaled. "Yeah, I'm ready."

They both walked off the Ship, and were greeted by thousands of Fire Nation citizens. Some of them holding streamers, flags, some waving. It was just energetic. "Wow...." Sokka was surprised, watching everyone be exited for their Firelord's return. Zuko chuckled and waved at the crowd. They made their way to the Palace.

As they went in, Sokka saw something that caught his eye. A Suki memorial statue. He looked at it, but went inside , not wanting to hold up everyone's schedule.

Sokka was shown to his room, one right next to Zuko's. He walked in and just saw the abundance of red.

'Sheesh.. such an angry color.'

He sat down on his bed. '....did I make the right decision..' Stop. Of course you did. You needed to get away from that hurtful situation as soon as possible. Sokka shook his head. He stood up and walked over to the mirror and took off his Parka.

🚨⚠️Tw mention of cutting and Suicide please venture at your own risk🚨⚠️

Sokka took off the undershirt. He stared at the multiple scars and cuts along his arms and abdomen. He regret doing it. At the time he did this, it was his only way to cope. He also remembered trying to end it 3 years ago- He shuddered. He didn't want to think about it. He was about to go into the shower room when someone walked into his room.

Zuko walked into Sokka's room to check up on him. He turned the corner and froze. He saw Sokka, shirtless. His eyes ventured around him and saw the scars and cuts. "..Sokka." Zuko started. Sokka subconsciously crossed his arms and held them close to him. "I-its not what it looks like.." Sokka held his head down. Zuko walked up to him and grabbed one of Sokka's hands. "I'm not proud of them.. but I don't do it anymore.. I haven't done it in about a year.." Sokka's voice was very low.

"...why didn't you come to anyone about it.." Zuko asked, sounding concerned. "I didn't want anyone to worry about me.. I thought I could handle it.." Sokka looked Zuko in the eyes.

Zuko held Sokka's face in his hands. "If it gets to the point where you feel like doing it again, come get me. I will drop everything for you. You understand?" The non-bender nodded . Zuko kissed Sokka's forehead . "I don't want you getting hurt."

End of Tw :v

Sokka smiled softly. "I will." He grabbed Zuko's hands and pulled him in for a hug. "Wh- nO! You smell like sweat! Go take a showerrrrr!" Zuko exaggerated. "What if I don't wanna." Sokka laughed. They went on like this for about 10 mins. Sokka tripped over his feet and both men fell, Sokka wrapped his arms around Zuko's head and neck to make sure he didn't get hurt while they fell.

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