Chapter 11

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Before we start: Thank you guys so much for the votes, reads and comments. It brings a smile to my face to see everyone enjoy this book. I never thought it would get this much attention, even if it is just a small amount of people. You guys have given me so much hope. Thank you. Now enjoy some softness this chapter, last two chapters was a bit rough.

(This is about 5 days before Jet arrived to Boiling Rock)

Sokka woke up, aching and inside Zuko's arms. Sokka kissed Zuko's cheek, hugging him. Zuko jerked awake, squeezing Sokka a bit too hard. "oW!" Sokka said painfully, inhaling sharply. "Spirits! I'm sorry.." Zuko hugged Sokka softly, rubbing his back. "It's okay love.." Sokka burrowed his face in Zuko's neck, having the Firebenders head rest on Sokka.

A maid knocked on the door and entered. "Firelord..Breakfast is ready and waiting for you, we have told your other guests as well." "Thank you." Zuko said, rubbing Sokka's neck. "I'll be there in a minute." The maid bowed, leaving the room.

"..Are you strong enough for breakfast, love?" Zuko asked. Sokka nodded in Zuko's neck. Zuko helped Sokka up, Sokka groaning in minor pain. "..I'm not hurts too much to walk." Sokka said, swinging his legs over the bed. Zuko nodded, getting some clothes for the both of them. He grabbed some smaller clothes for himself and some bigger clothes for Sokka. He brought them over helping him get dressed, making sure he doesn't strain himself. Once he was done, he got dressed.

Zuko went to Sokka, picking him up carefully. Zuko carried Sokka, who played with Zuko's hair, to the dining room. Katara, Toph and Aang was already there, chowing down to the point where they didn't notice the pair sit down.

"... Good morning guys" Zuko said, making the three jump in surprise. "Uh.. Hi!" Katara said, wiping food off her face. Sokka just stared at the food, his face puzzled. "...who took the Platypus Bear Bacon...." Sokka asked, causing Toph to stop. "Uh.... " Toph said with her mouth full. "....Not me"

"You're lucky I can't move from this seat." Sokka said, grabbing an apple. Sokka threw the Apple at Toph but it landed on Aang. "what the fuck-" Aang said, grabbing eggs, throwing them at Sokka but it landed on Zuko.

The Firelord just looked at the eggs. "..this brings back memories" Zuko said under his breath, brushing off egg. Katara looked at Zuko, eyes wide. "...Reminds you of what.." her mind thinking of something else.

Zuko's eyes widened, blushing. "N-not like that-! A few months ago me and Sokka spilled food all over the floor and we kinda fell in it, creating a huge mess. It was fun." Zuko explained, scratching his neck. "Yeah, I fell in first and his behind decided to try and help and he fell in behind me." Sokka said, giggling. Zuko joined in on the giggling, having the room filled with soft laughter.

Katara, Aang and Toph sat and watched the two have so much joy, especially after what happened. It was truly beautiful to see what they have. You usually don't find that kind of happiness.

Sokka and Zuko stopped laughing, noticing they're being stared at. "..what." both of them say. "Nothing.. we're just happy that you guys feel happy, that's all. It's been a while since you've shown actual joy, and it's refreshing to see." Aang said, holding Katara's hand. "Nah, I'm just waiting for you love birds to say that I can go back home, I have someone waiting for me." Toph intergected. "Toph that's rude." Katara stated. "Sorry sugar queen, I said I would be back soon. I can't break a promise."

Zuko looked at Toph. "You can go, I wasn't holding you guys hostage or anything.." Zuko said. The conversation continued, Sokka mostly blanked it out. He watched outside the window, watching the sky.

Sokka smiled, watching the birds fly and watched a couple kids run around. Sokka prepared himself to get up, holding onto the table. Sokka store up slowly, his legs shaking a little. He cracked his back, which got rid of most of the pain, and stretched a little. "Baby, what are you doing?" Zuko asked, with a worried face. "..I'm going outside for some fresh air, I'm kinda tired of being in the palace for so long." Sokka said, making his way outside.

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