Chapter 8

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Zuko walked back up the palace with his Boyfriend. They held each other's hand, and went into the throne room. Zuko sat down and Sokka stood next to his right side, where Zuko could see him. They were greeted with the council.

"Firelord Zuko..." One of the old council members started. "It has been brought to my attention that you have been with this...." He paused. "...Man... We have to advise against this." He said, looking at the firelord.

"....What do my decisions have to do with you.." Zuko said, standing up. "My Lord, the bloodline of our nation depends on you. We mean no harm, we're just worried about our nation's future. We can get you a woman to marry and he be a ..." He paused for a moment. "..a uh.. " Zuko shook his head. "I've heard enough, thank you for worrying about the future, but I got it. You can leave." He turned back to Sokka.

Sokka was still leaning against the throne. "He wanted me to be a side piece...right?" He said, scratching the back of his neck. "Yeah..that's not happening." Zuko said, sitting back down. A maid came into the room. "Oh! Just who I needed. Kikio, can you set a room up for Azula please, she'll be returning tomorrow." Zuko said, bowing "Of course, sir." She bowed, surprised the Firelord bowed towards her.

She left, heading towards the maid rooms.

Sokka was still there, standing. He looked at Zuko. A smirk appeared on his face. He poked Zuko's side, causing Zuko to jerk to the side. "AcK-" Zuko managed, giggling a bit. Sokka continued to do this, tickling Zuko. "StOp! StOp!" Zuko gasped for air, laughing. He turned to his side, dragging Sokka on to his throne.

Sokka was on Zuko's lap, looming over Zuko. They stared into each other's eyes, Sokka getting closer to Zuko's face. Sokka held Zuko's chin with two fingers, grinning. "..looks like the tough Firelord ain't so tough after all.." Sokka said, licking his teeth. Zuko blushed, severely. It was to the point where he was darker that some of the Fire Banners.

Zuko straightened up, trying to gain control. "Yeah..?" Zuko said, pushing up into Sokka's face. "Prove it.." He said, trying to be more assertive. It didn't work. Sokka chuckled. "Oh honey..." He pushed Zuko back down, gently to make sure he didn't hurt him.

Light Smut scene advance at your own risk ‼️

He kissed Zuko aggressively, running his hands down Zuko's sides. Zuko kissed Sokka back, clawing at Sokka's back. Sokka bit Zuko's bottom lip, asking for entrance. Zuko let him in, having the Water tribesman in his mouth was new, but if felt right. He felt the tongue leave, as Sokka separated from him.

Between the sounds of small pants and heavy breathing, you could hear small chuckles from both of them. Sokka started to kiss Zuko's neck, giving small nips and bites along the Firelord's shoulder. Zuko gave small complimentary moans, clawing into Sokka's back a little bit more.

Sokka was about to lift Zuko's shirt but Zuko stopped him. "..I'm not.." he panted. "I'm not ready for that yet." Zuko looked up at Sokka. He was covered in blotches and bruises on his neck. Sokka nodded. "Okay, we don't have to do that.." Sokka lifted Zuko's bangs and kissed his forehead.

It's over 👁️👄👁️

Zuko hugged his new Boyfriend. "I'm hungry." He said, poking Sokka's face. Sokka looked at Zuko. "...What am I supposed to do? I'm not royalty-" They were interrupted by a maid. "Lord Zuko, dinner is ready and on th-" She stopped. "Uh..." She didn't know what to do or say. All of them were frozen and silent.

The maid just walked out the room, blushing. Sokka got up. "Why is everyone surprised that we're together- like did they not pay attention to the past two months.." Sokka asked, stretching. Zuko got up and shrugged. He rubbed his neck. "...You didn't have to bite me that hard-" Zuko said, grabbing Sokka's hand and walking to the dining area. "Well you didn't stop me so.. that says something." Sokka said, trying not to trip over his feet.

The rest of the day went by pretty normal, Sokka moved into Zuko's room, they both bathed and drank tea together. It was like they were together since the beginning.

In Zuko's room, both boys were in bed. One reading and one doing Firelord documents. Zuko finished his documents an hour after Sokka fell asleep reading. "Hey, I was thinking.." Zuko noticed Sokka asleep, still holding the book in his hand. Zuko smiled softly, putting the book and papers on the stand beside him. He put his lover under the covers and turned out the lights, crawling in bed with Sokka. He snuggled up underneath him, falling asleep.

~An hour before Sunrise~

Zuko woke up to get ready for Azula. He felt around for Sokka. ... No Sokka? Zuko got up. There wasn't a sign of Sokka, not even his blankets looked disturbed. He knew something wasn't right.

Zuko ran out of his room, looking for Sokka. A guard passed him. Zuko quickly grabbed the guard to the side. "Have you seen Sokka? At all..?" Zuko asked, his hair sticking up from all places. The guard shook his head no. Zuko mentally cursed and went on his search.

Eventually, Zuko searched everywhere and couldn't find him. He decided to see Jet's cell and see if it was worth a shot.

As soon as Zuko walked through the door his eyes widened. Guards, slaughtered, blood splattered, the door and chain, unlocked. Jet? Jet was gone. All there was, was a note.

"If you want to see your lover boy again, come to the town square. Alone"

- Jet.



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