Chapter 26

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When we returned I leaned down behind Reid and whispered into his ear "Can I talk to you a second babe?" he looked up at me smiling and nodded then looked back at everyone else "We'll be back guys" they all nodded and Ree grinned at me, I smiled and rolled my eyes knowing she thought we were gonna go have sex but in truth I was about to tell him about Tyler and I. He interlocked his fingers with mine as we walked away from everyone else "So what up babe?".

We stopped walking after we could barely see the others now and all that could be seen was a slight glow from the fire, I sighed  before looking up at him "I love you, More than anything you know that right?" she nodded "Yeah of course I do and I love you too Why, Whats wrong (Y/N)?" i took another deep breath before speaking again "Promise not to do anything stupid?" he raised his eyebrow "Depends what it is (Y/N),  Whats going on?"

I grabbed his other hand and looked at it for a moment before looking up at him again "Before you and I got together Tyler and I slept together.... More than once" he looked at me for a moment before laughing which shocked me and i just stared at him "That's what you wanted to tell me?" i nodded slowly still confused "I already know, Do you think I'm stupid babe?  You two running off by yourselves for hours at a time, Hair all messed up" he laughed harder "You two are the worst at being subtle" I stood there still shocked with my mouth gaping open.

"What?" was all i could say which made him kiss me gently while smiling "Tyler is the worst liar ever, I get why you two did it, You were upset about the whole Aaron thing and upset about you and I, Probably thought i hated you after what happened with us" i sighed happily and smiled at him so grateful he understood "Fuck I love you, You know me so well, I was upset about everything and I did think you hated me, I still liked you even then bu Tyler and I were just Friends with Benefits and what i have with you is so much more and thank you so much for understanding" he smiled and kissed me deeply and passionately "I love you too and I could never hate you".

We made out for a bit before heading back to the others and when we did I smiled and nodded at Tyler and he did the same back, I snuggled back into Reid and there we all sat and talked till the sun started coming up. "Holy Shit, Didn't think we were here this long" we all laughed and got up "Time for home" everyone nodded and off we went. I sat next to Reid in the back with my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes for a second and ended up falling asleep.

I woke up to Mum shaking me "Hon, It's 3 pm, If you don't get up now you wont sleep tonight" I looked at her blurry eyes and nodded "Where's Reid?" she smiled at me "He went into town for something, Shouldn't be too much longer" i nodded and got up then made my way down to the Kitchen where Caleb and Pogue were.

A/N; Hello readers, Sorry i haven't written in a long time but to be honest i have become bored of this and also I have no idea where to take it anymore.I did enjoy writing it a lot and hope to do others. I hope to finish this one day but at the moment its going to finish here. I than you all so much for all your support and hope you all suppose me in the future. If you want more of my content please check out my other book I've written called  "My Arranged Marriage (Legolas X Reader Fanfic Smut)" it is completely finished and if you lie Lord of the Rings and Legolas then I recommend it and i hope you enjoy it. Please dont forget to comment and Vote. Thank you once again and love you all. Please stay safe in these trying times of the Covid and i hope you and your families are safe.

Love Kera <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2021 ⏰

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