Chapter 10

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POSSIBLE TRIGGER WARNING! (please note this Chapter involves Sexual Assault)

We all walked into Nicky's and it was bustling with potential students everywhere, Kate, Tyler, Reid and I got a table in the corner while Caleb and Pogue got us drinks. It was loud and Music was blaring with people everywhere, The boys returned with drinks and 2 baskets of hot chips which I grabbed a few and popped into my mouth before taking a sip of my Coke.

Reid and Tyler got up "We're gonna go play some pool" we all nodded as they disappeared into the crowd and the rest of us began talking. I found out that Pogue and Kate had been dating for nearly 3 years now and they met at a party in the dorms at Spencer Academy, Caleb dated a few different girls but it never lasted, Tyler had a girlfriend but she cheated on him and Reid was the biggest playboy on Campus which made my heart sink a little.

I got up and walked over to the bar to get another drink when a boy with shoulder length slightly curly sandy blonde hair walked up to me with a smirk "Hey there gorgeous, Let me get that for you" He placed a $20 bill on the bar and I rolled me eyes "I got it but thanks" I placed my own bill down and Nicky took mine. "So what's a beautiful girl like you doing all alone in a place like this?" I rolled my eyes again, the last thing I wanted was to be hit on by some stranger in a bar, "I'm not alone" I nodded my head towards the table Kate, Pogue and Caleb were at "I'm with them".

He looked over at them and rolled his eyes "You can do so much better than them sweetheart" This guy was starting to get on my nerves when Pogue came over "Stop Hitting on her Aaron, She clearly doesn't like it" I looked at the boy in shock "Aaron? As in Aaron Abbott?" he smirked and nodded clearly pleased I knew who he was. I stood there in shock and just stared at him.

FLASHBACK to 13 years old.  (trigger warning)

The boys and I had just run into Aaron Abbott, a snot nosed, arrogant brat that thought the world owed him, Caleb and the boys had made fun of him by pushing him into the swampy lake not far from the Park we played at, We all ran off laughing at him as he stood there fuming "Pricks!" he yelled in the distance.

It was a few hours later and we were playing hide and seek in the woods not far from the Dells and I ran a little too far away, by this stage it was dark but the dark never scared me. I looked back for a second when I bumped into something or rather someone, It was Aaron and he had a sinister and evil look spread across his face "Look who we have here, little old (Y/N)" I looked at him shocked and scared wondered what the hell he was looking so evil about.

I tried to get up to run but he just pushed me over then got on top of me, he was heavy and I couldn't move, I went to scream when he slapped me across the face "Shut the fuck up you little bitch", I tried to push him off while I was crying and gritted my teeth "No, please, stop" I pleaded with him but he just grinned even more "Fuck up whore" he slapped me again but this time it was harder and made my head spin.

He took this chance to rip my pants and panties down as I was dazed, He pushed down his pants and bit his lip, I looked at him in shock releasing what he was about to do, he was about to rape me. I screamed loudly while crying "No Aaron, Don't please" I tried pushing him off even harder but it just made him angrier and made him punch me "I said shut the fuck up slut".

He positioned himself at my entrance then rammed himself inside me which caused me to scream out in pain, even more than I already was, I don't know how long it lasted but it seemed like forever, he just grinned and groaned as he assaulted me. He finally climaxed and climbed off me "Thanks slut" he said before kicked me in the guts and pulling up his pants then walking off like he won the lottery.

I don't know how long I laid there but I was still hurting  and still in shock, I sat up shaking and looked down at my tattered, soiled body, I had blood running down my legs, no doubt because 1. I was just sexually assaulted and he was nowhere near gentle obviously and 2. I WAS a virgin. I noticed my top was ripped and dirty along with my panties and panties, I managed to get enough strength to get up and started walking home.

I finally got home and gently and painfully opened the door while holding my stomach, "Dinner  will be ready shortly" my mother yelled out, She was in the kitchen so I made my way there and stood in the doorway. It too her a few minutes before she turned and looked at me  gasping while rushing over to me "Oh my god (Y/N) what happened!?) she looked at my tattered clothes and my now bruised and bleeding face and lip, I just looked up at her, eyes filled with tears and cried into her arms. I told her what happened and she was livid, She hugged me tightly "Shhh baby, Sshh, everything's going to be ok" I could hear her voice break as she said it.

The boys hadn't come home yet so they had no idea what happened, I looked up at my mother after I showered and got into bed and laid my head on her shoulder while she held me tightly, "Mum", "Yes sweetie?" she looked down at me, I could tell  it was hurting her what had happened to me "Please don't tell the boy's" she nodded "Promise me Mum, They can never know" she kissed my forehead "I promise. 

Mum and I talked and we both decided it might be best if I went to stay with Aunt Judy for awhile, so I packed my bags and left the next day, Mum put make up on me so the boys didn't notice the bruises and I said my goodbyes.

Present Day

I came back to my senses and looking at Aaron made me angry, I clenched his top and pulled him close them punched him hard 3 times in the face before pushing him over so hard that he fell flat on his ass. I looked at Pogue "Take me home please" and with that I walked out and we went home.

(A.N: Sorry for the long one again, I'm also sorry for having such a dark chapter and I hope all the men and women out there who have suffered this fate never feel alone, People who do this should be put to the death penalty, its the most disgusting and cowardly thing to do. Remember ladies and lads its NEVER your fault.  lots of love Kera <3<3)

( For more information and to help those around the world please go to the Joyful Heart Foundation website, Its a website designed to help those that have experienced a traumatic event such as Sexual assault, Child abuse and Domestic Violence. Thank you).

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