Chapter 4

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My mother got up and walked into the Kitchen , after a few seconds she returned with a bottle of White wine and 2 glasses, She placed a glass in front of herself and then me, She poured the wine into both glasses "Don't expect this all the time" I smiled and nodded "Thanks" I took a sip and it was absolutely amazing it was chilled and sweet exactly the way I like my wine and it went perfect with the roast.

I looked at the boys "So Pogue, Caleb told me you have a girlfriend now" he nodded "Yeah, Her name is Kate and she's absolutely amazing,  beautiful, smart and kind, Sometimes I wonder what someone like her is doing with someone like me" I grabbed a bean off the plate and threw it at him which resulted in him looking at me shocked "Hey! don't sell yourself short, Your an amazing guy plus your hot, she's one lucky lady".

"I'm the lucky one" he said, I finished my plate and took a long sip of my wine to wash the food down, I grabbed my mothers pack of cigarettes and lighter then took one out and lit it, The boys all stared at me as I inhaled then exhaled the smoke "What?" I shrugged, "Wow you really have changed" said Tyler, My Mother followed suit in having a cigarette with me as I giggled at Tyler's comment "For the better, trust me".

"So not only do you parade around naked and have tattoos but you smoke now too?" Caleb said, I rolled my eyes "Don't start Caleb, seriously, I just got home, I'm tired, I don't want to start shit and I repeat.. A lot changes in 4 years plus I only smoke sometimes" he sighed and rubbed his temples "I'm not trying to start shit (Y/N), its just weird.. seeing you like this" I just nodded and continued my cigarette.

I leaned back in my chair as  Pogue got up and went to the kitchen to get a beer for all of us but I refused the one he got for me, "No thanks, I don't like beer cause  its too bitter for my taste" he just nodded and placed it in the middle of the table, "Who the hell doesn't like beer?" Reid pipped up in which I just looked at him and shrugged "Me obviously" he laughed and nodded "Fair enough".

The boys were still eating which was no surprise , they were boys after all and they always did eat a lot even when we were children. I leaned forward and put my right elbow on the table and rested my hand on my chin to prop up my head and that's when I got a sinister idea which made me smirk at the thought. I put my left hand under the table and placed it on Reid's leg and started slowly rubbing it up and down which caused him to jump a little in surprise and look at me shocked making me smirk at him "Problem Reid?".

He shook his head "Uh.. Nope.. no problem here" my hand went a little higher to his crotch region and I started rubbing it which made him spurt the beer he just took a sip out of  all over Caleb "What the hell man!" Caleb looked pissed and it took all my strength not to burst out laughing, Pogue couldn't help himself though and neither could Tyler as they both burst into laugher "S..Sorry man" Reid apologised and I took my hand off his crotch immediately.

Caleb got up and stormed off "Going for a shower" when he left I joined in on the laughter "That was epic", Reid just glared at me but I was extremely amused at his reaction. We waited 10 minutes for Caleb to come back and when he did  my mother said "Time for dessert", I couldn't wait to see what it was. A few moments passed and she returned with plates for all of us, thickened cream in a bowl with a spoon in it which sat on top of the plates, spoons for us all and Lemon Meringue Pie, my favourite. I licked my lips as she cut me a huge piece and passed it to me, I immediately grabbed the cream and put a huge dollop on top of my pie then placed it back on the table, grabbed a spoon and began to eat it.

I moaned and closed my eyes as I savoured the sour taste of it "Oh.. My.. God.. I missed this so much, thanks Mum" she giggled, smiled and nodded "No problem sweetie, I'm glad you like it". Even though I had missed my mother, brother and the boys I also missed Mum's cooking, I mean Aunt Judy was a good cook but there's nothing like Mum's cooking.. Well to me at least. I finished my pie before the boys even took there first bite and smiled as I placed my plate on my dinner one "That was amazing Mum, Thanks" she smiled and nodded.

The boys were taking forever to finish their pie and I was bored so decided to have a little fun again, I leaned back in my chair and started to rub Tyler's leg with my foot which made him choke on his food a little and look at me in shock, "You ok baby boy?" Pogue asked and Tyler just nodded "Yeah went down the wrong way", he blushed even more as I started to run my foot a little higher and smiled at him.

Bad Boy (Reid Garwin X Reader Smut)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu