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Guardian Angels- a spirit who is believed to protect and guide a person throughout their life. No one knows if its real or not but if it is for real,then taehyung, without any doubt is the Guardian angel of jungkook. 

As he was about to sign the papers,he was interrupted by a loud knock on the door followed by taehyung's granny calling for hyejin which immediately made the Jeons to curse out in frustration.

"Argg! What does she want now? Can't she knock at the door after a minute or so?",hyejin grumbled as she walked towards the door,followed by jaeseok.

"Oh! Mrs.Kim? Is there any problem?",hyejin asked with the sweetest smile she could muster and looked questioningly at hoseok and daniel who was still standing there with a pout.

"Its nothing, hyejin ssi. I just wanted to give you this bracelet as a gift. Its my favourite bracelet, you know?",taehyung's grandma said as she showed them the bracelet who couldn't help but feel restless that jungkook didn't sign the papers yet but smiled victoriously when they saw their son approaching them with yoongi beside him?

As soon as they saw jimin, jaeseok motioned him to go inside the room and continue their unfinished job who walked inside wordlessly while yoongi stood with his friends.

"This is my lucky bracelet, hyejin ssi. Only after buying this bracelet, we succeeded in our business tremendously. After that,I started wearing it daily. I'm happy to give such a meaningful gift to you",Mrs.Kim said as she helped the other to wear the ornament while jaeseok stood beside them,watching the bracelet closely.

"Oh,Mrs.Kim! This bracelet seems to be really important to you. It feels like we're taking it away from you",hyejin said as she eyed the bracelet with sparkling eyes because it was made of rubies and diamonds.

"Don't feel like that,hyejin ssi. We're going to be a family and I'm more than happy to give it to you as a gift",she said.

While the elders were busy in their conversation, the youngsters were busy watching the scene which was going on inside with jimin exchanging the papers with the ones he had inside his suit and jungkook signing the new papers,making them to smile victoriously.

"Alright, hyejin ssi. Come on,lets go. There's a lot of work to do. We have only an hour or so before the wedding",Mrs.Kim urged them.

"One minute, Mrs.Kim. I'll just bring my handbag with me. I left it inside",hyejin said ,throwing a knowing glance at jaeseok who nodded his head understandingly.

"Did the slut sign the papers, son?",she whispered to jimin as she kept the papers inside her bag and smiled as she saw her son nod his head.

"Good job,my son",she said with a smirk and walked outside,secretly giving a thumbs up to her husband before walking away with taehyung's grandma. 

As soon as the elders were out of their sight,the happiness bubbling inside them overflowed instantly and they started cheering silently and smiled happily at the puzzled jungkook who was being hugged by jimin.

"Happy birthday, kookie. I wish,from now on you would be able to enjoy your life to the fullest. I'll do anything for that to happen, kookie. I promise",he hugged him tightly while yoongi and hoseok wished him as they stood beside him.

"We did it,kookie. We did it! From now on I'll be the brother you always needed. Promise",jimin said after a few seconds and hugged jungkook even tighter if it was even possible who slowly hugged him back and looked at daniel questioningly.

"Wanna know what happened, kookie?",daniel smiled widely at jungkook and started narrating their masterplan immediately.

"Jiminie?What are you doing here at this time? Its already late and we have to wake up early in the morning",daniel said as he looked at jimin who was sitting on the living room couch.

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