Chapter 1

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Lucy's POV
My name is Lucy Heartfillia, a member of the Fairy Tail guild. My specialty is celestial magic. I'm not a very strong mage but I do my best to help my team. I often wonder how I managed to become part of the guilds strongest team. I'm nowhere near their levels of magic.

It's been almost a year since we defeated Zeref. I had hoped to get stronger in that time. And I did, just not very much. My magic is still way lower than the rest of my team's. Maybe I'll leave on a training mission like Natsu did. Except I'll leave more than a sloppy note.

With that thought I head to the guild. I'll have to give it some more thought. I open the guild hall and am met with silence. Normally it would be noisy as people drink and fight. I look around to find everyone is staring at me. What's going on with them?

I walk over to the bar and sit down. I can feel everybody's gaze concentrated on me. It's starting to make me nervous. "Hello Lucy." Mira says cheerfully. "Mira, why is everyone staring at me?" I ask quietly. She looks up and notices everyone's gazes.

Mira's silent for a few minutes. "I'm not sure." She finally replies. I feel someone approach and I turn around to see salmon colored hair. "Hey Natsu." I say nervously. "Lucy, can I talk to you?" He asks, his voice low.

I follow Natsu to a secluded room and close the door. "So what's up?" I ask, trying to sound casual. Being in a room alone with Natsu is making my heart beat fast. I'm sure he can hear it thudding against my ribs. What is he going to say?

Natsu leans closer and grins. "It's time for you to leave, weak little bitch." He hisses. "We're done with you holding our team back." He says harshly. "We don't accept weaklings on our team. Otherwise we aren't the strongest." His voice is low and menacing.

I stare up at the once kind face of Natsu and hold back tears. I quickly push him away and leave the room. The gaze of everyone in the guild is on me again, and it isn't friendly. I quickly walk to the doors and run outside. It doesn't to take long for me to make it back to my apartment.

Natsu's POV Earlier That Day
I make it to the guild early and immediately order some food. "I'm starving." I say to Happy. "Aye!" He exclaims. After a few minutes Mira brings us our food. I dig into it and savor the delicious taste.

It's been a few hours and I'm starting to get bored. I wish Luce was here. Almost as if on cue I smell her approaching. The doors to the guild open, revealing the beautiful blonde haired mage.

As soon as I see Luce it's like I'm in a daze. Everyone watches her as she makes her way to the bar. I don't need to see everybody to know they feel the same way I do. That this weakling needs to leave.

I stand up and walk over to Lucy. She turns around and sees me. "Hey Natsu." She says with a nervous smile. "Lucy, can I talk to you?" I ask.

Lucy's POV
I wake up the next morning and yawn. I smile at the bright morning, until I remember what happened yesterday. I can't believe Natsu called me weak. Was it just a cruel prank? I hope so. I hear a tapping on my window and freeze.

I walk over to my window and open in. Happy flies into my arms crying. "Lushie! Natsu is acting weird." He cries. "Weird how?" I ask gently. Happy takes a few deep breathes and calms down. "He'll be acting normal until someone mentions you. Then he gets all mean." He says quickly.

I guess it wasn't a prank after all. Natsu really doesn't like me and he thinks I'm weak. I look down at Happy and frown. There's nothing I can do about it. I pick him up and carry him to the guild.

When I open the doors nobody notices me. I let out a sigh of relief and walk towards Natsu. He notices me coming and turns around. Before he can say anything I hand Happy to him and leave. I walk over to the bar and sit down.

I sit at the bar for a while sipping a smoothie. Someone takes a seat next to me and I look up. Wendy is sitting there with a frown. "Lucy, why is everyone ignoring you?" She asks worriedly. I shrug my shoulders and sigh.

About a month later I'm at the guild. I'm about to leave when Natsu blocks the doorway. "Going somewhere?" He asks, a cruel smile on his face. I don't look up as I try to move past him. His arm shoots out, stopping me. "I think it's time we had some fun." He says, his eyes turning dark.

Before I can move Natsu grabs my arm and drags me into the forest. I try to claw my way out but his grip is too strong. After about an hour of walking he throws me at a tree and my head smacks against it painfully. "I always wondered how much you could scream." He says with a laugh.

Hour after hour goes by and my cries of pain get weaker. By the time Natsu hits me with one last punch I'm barely staying conscious. He walks away with a laugh. I lay on the ground, too exhausted to move. Every inch of my body aches.

At some point I must have fallen asleep because I open my eyes to see sunlight filtering through the leaves. I try to stand up but fall back down in pain. If only I could contact Wendy. My vision starts to black out and I let myself drift into the darkness.

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