The people in Sujia Village all knew that the siblings were now heading their own household so this sight wasn't surprising to them. However, there were many people in the village who would go to the river to fish and not many of them really had the ability to catch any fish, so people were impressed with Su Tang. Especially now that she was dressing up so cleanly and looking a lot more decent than before.

Many people secretly praised Su Yongqiang and said that his decision that day couldn't have been any better. Although everyone knew that Su Tang and her brother had an adverse fate, most people thought that they shouldn't have to die just because of that. If their relatives didn't want them, the two could just leave. Looking at it now, it seemed that they could still live a good life.

In reality, most people were kind-hearted at their core.

After Su Tang took the fish back home, she stuffed them back into the space. Then she took out the coarse cloth that she bought today because she wanted to do some sewing while there was still some light outside. Because she and her brother were in their mourning period, they could not wear any bright colors. They could only wear black, white, or gray, which was why Su Tang had only bought coarse cloth in those colors.

The old clothes Su Tang and her brother already had were all gray so they were technically acceptable for the mourning period, but they were all patched and shabby. Plus, because they were both still growing the clothes were a little small.

So this time Su Tang wanted to make two new sets of clothes for both of them. So they would always have clothes to wear and clothes to change into.

In order to have a justification for her 'sudden' ability to make clothes, she had gone out of her way to learn from Su Nuan before. But in actuality, she was a professional when it came to making clothes.

Back during modern times, she had studied fashion in college. She used to write fashion reviews online before she graduated and then she worked as an editor for a fashion magazine after she graduated.

Although making clothes had never been something she had to do for her job, she used to enjoy making things at home whenever she was free. That way her major was never wasted.

By now, she had really reached her limit with these patchy old clothes, which was why she bought all this cloth. She was ready to make some new clothes at once.

Su Nuo obediently cooperated with her when she asked to measure his figure and then he watched quietly from the side. He didn't want to disturb his sister while she was making clothes, but his eyes were sparkling with expectation. In his old home, he had always watched his aunties making clothes for his cousins, but he had never had any new clothes himself.

But now that he had left that house, he could also wear new clothes. He thought that it was really good to live with his sister.

Su Tang did not have the proper tools on hand but, fortunately, she and Su Nuo were both still growing so their clothes could be a little bigger and be fine. She used a piece of blackened firewood and began to draw lines on the coarse cloth.

Su Nuo saw the lines slowly appearing on the coarse cloth and he only thought that his sister was just too smart. He didn't dare to disturb her so he went outside to the foot of the mountain to dig some wild vegetables.

Su Tang stayed busy until the sun began to set, at which point she put the cloth she was working on aside. After that, she cooked some more red date milk porridge, which was delicious and a good tonic for the body, and she and Su Nuo ate until they were full.

Moreover, now that the space farm had reached level five, these red dates could be planted. And like that, all the raw materials for the porridge could be produced inside the space, which made Su Tang's mood improve another notch. After all, it was an excellent nutritional supplement for her and her brother.

They had gone to town and back today, and then after that they had both been busy all day. So, not long after eating his porridge, the little guy fell asleep. When she saw that, Su Tang picked up the cloth and took it inside her space to continue working on. While she was inside, she quickly harvested everything on the farm. After working for a while, she went back outside to go to bed when she got tired.

In fact, Su Tang really wanted to sleep in the cabin inside the space if she could. It was very quiet and comfortable inside the space, plus the air was clean and fresh. In the future, when she had enough money to build a new house and have her own room, she planned to sleep in the space. But for now, the conditions did not really allow it. It wouldn't do if Su Nuo woke up in the middle of the night and she was inexplicably missing.

The next day Su Tang got up before Su Nuo woke up again. She boiled some water in the pot and then took some fish balls made from grass carp out of the space. Although there were many kinds of fish, like grass carp, herring, or crucian carp in the fish ponds inside the space, Su Tang was in no hurry to expand the variety that she sold. She would just use the fish balls made from grass carp for now, and over time she could slowly add the other types.

When Su Nuo woke up, he saw that his sister had already made another batch of fish balls. She had left sixty fish balls out and the rest were all packed inside a large bowl and placed in the corner of the house. Then, sure enough, the bowl along with the fish balls inside all vanished before his eyes.

The first time he had seen that he had been very surprised but, after a few days, Su Nuo was already used to it.

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