Beginning of Bliss?

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Writer's POV(Noor's)

You know when you don't really have a choice, when you don't know what will happen to or with your life in years to come you succumb to fate, you let it do your life just like the waves of the ocean.

When you don't have a specific or genuine or even the right words to express your feelings, you shut your lousy mouth.

When you are angry, shut the same lousy mouth because you're so going to regret the words you'd utter. Your tongue, mouth or lips whatever, believe me it will spit venom, poison and words you will die wishing it never came out from your mouth. Things you'll regret, live to remember and always think of for the rest of your wretched or lively days. Trust me I've been there. It's a first hand experience. When you angry, keep calm for it is best you do so.

Finally, when you don't have solutions to your problems, you submit to the will of the almighty and let things fall in place.

Maybe just maybe, it will be for the very best and might work in your favor.

That was what she did, hareem. She knew she could not say no to Safi's puppy eyes, Mama's hopeful eyes, and Baba and Adeel's encouraging orbs. She knew she had to make a choice, a decision that might or would undeniably change her introverted life.

Those hopeful eyes haunted her, even though she wanted to say no, she knew she had to say yes, maybe it's for the best. There she said it, "yes".

Her family was so overwhelmed with utmost joy, Safi even closed her eyes to savour the sensation, her appi was finally getting hitched.

Hareem did not even know what was best for her, 'yes' or 'no',  she just took the risk. Come what may, she was doing it for the sake of her family, maybe that'll bring the lost happiness back, so she thought.

Her wedding, how weird. One minute she was ranting her brains out, she doesn't want to get married, another minute she's agreeing, life.

The wedding was planned two months after her grad ceremony, she did not take that news well. She felt it was too sudden. But, when her ammi started saying 'i was 20 when I got married' she had to drop the tantrums.

It was all okay after her grad, even a week later but not today. She's going to meet her future husband and her in laws today. She couldn't even talk to a guy properly let alone converse peacefully, reality's just so cruel.

It was believed that the guy's family knew hers through her dad. Both their fathers were well acquainted before they lost track of each other after one moved out of the country for some time.

Wandering hither and thither with questions and nervousness all together she finally got a grip of herself when it was time. Believe me the nervousness was still there.

She sensed a feeling of familiarity with both families, like they knew each other for long esp their fathers, she couldn't look even tho she wanted to, so badly.

The normal routine was asked of her, serving tea, snacks and food to her would be in laws and husband. Elegantly, gracefully and carefully she finished that part.

The fact that not even half the amount of food that's there, was prepared on her grad pissed her off. From biryani to laddoo you just name it.

Her body was nervous, she was not. Note the sarcasm. She felt eyes on her, she didn't look up, she was afraid what he'd look like, tall?, Handsome? Would he even be as ..... As him? No.

Her would be in laws were so nice, clingy to her, not suffocating tho, in a nice way esp his sister and mother. The father even cracked up some old jokes and stuff, ranted how he's looking forward to the wedding, so he could have another daughter.

Almost when she thought everything was alright (sab thik) the moment she dreaded came. The getting to know each other time, the alone time with him, of course with both families nearby i.e next door.

Even though she felt he wasn't much of a talker, she couldn't get off the feeling, the sense of familiarity esp the voice and the way he was having his eyes on her, she could feel that too, his eyes on her.

When he spoke for the first time, you know that natural bass like voice that men have esp when they re up from sleep, yeah that one, the one girls would and could die and kill for, that particular one resonated in her ears. Astaghfirullah! And well subhanallah and Masha Allah too. If you get what I mean *winks*

She thought she's heard the voice from somewhere, someone. "Hareem" he said in a calm manner with voice laced with authority. She finally mustered and garnered courage to look up.

She looked up and behold! Subhanallah she saw those familiar forest green orbs, chisled jaw, pointed nose and lips, to top it all he was wearing a kurta. Jahannam!

She didn't even realize he was saying something, she was surprised. Ya Allah.

"Aap?" (You?" Was the only thing she could come up with and say, way to embarrass yourself hareem.

I mean she should or could have said 'roses are red violets are blue' blah blah or maybe blah. That's cliche. Or maybe 'hi' or a fudging 'Salam'. Here's an even better one, 'ya habibi', or 'ya omri' or 'zawj'.

Or something like 'you look drop dead gorgeous dear future husband'. Oh man, I mean she could have come up with something better, something nice for a start. Oh maybe one of those I've listed. Haha just joking, not in a zillion years indai hareem che.

But she didn't, oh god her "aap?" Was so out of the equation, line, you just name it. Even I was surprised. Ok that we all know that was a polished lie.

Please give the chap a star🙏. Tanchu.

The usual, Noor loves you lots❤️

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