The 'decision'

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Wallah I've been staring into space like a maniac. zoning out most of the times. sitting in my car was the only thing that could help me after the whole bomb that was dropped on me.

I have a future, a bright one for that matter. I want to be a successful cardio surgeon after college, they should have allowed me finish the ups and downs first. Maybe after college, a year or two maybe, just maybe then, what they wanted might happen.

I have finished college, my grad on point. But no, those Desi aunties could not and would not keep their foul mouths shut. They had to talk, I mean what's their problem, can't they just mind their businesses. Ya Allah.


"Ok kids I and your ammi have talked about this for some time and ....

Dam dam lup dup lub dup gehn gehn gehn.

"Hareem, please don't be mad about this beta, I know this is too much to take in but, you are not getting any younger Reem. Please think this through, you will have to settle down someday, why not now?" Ammi said

I didn't even let her finish, I quickly left the diner and went to my room. This is too much to take in. Marriage? What the hell. And now?. Why are they hell bent in ruining my life. Do they want to get rid of me that badly. Huh?.

Ya Allah, ya ilahil Alameen, ya Qadeer, ya Jabbar.... You just name the rest. Why have you forsaken me. I need you now, more than ever. Why does my family think settling down, having a family of my own and moving out of the house will bring any good in my life.

I don't want that, hell I don't need that, I want to be on my own, I'm better left off alone. ALONE!

Why can't they just understand the MOTION!.

After ranting my brains out, I exited my room and left for the diner. This marriage thing better end now. I want this to endddddddd with a d end this instant.

"Ahmed, we can't just leave her like that, she's 23 soon to be 24, you know what people would say, I want her to settle down and have a family of her own" ammi said, still on the diner. mahn aren't they done eating yet.

Safi and Adeel were just eating, are they even real. Those bitches are plastic, quit acting folks, appreciated.

Standing right before them, with eyes of all sizes and colours staring back at me, I shrugged and sat back down on the chair. They were just looking at me. This is God, recognize.

I was just eating, gulping, chewing and licking. With no problem whatsoever going on in my mind. I bloody don't care. I won't get married, not now, not ever.

They were all scrutinizing me, literally seeing if I was out of my mind. I mean, they just dropped a bomb on my face, I on the receiving end just got up, went into my room, came out and sat back down. That was epic!

I am thrilled to bits by my new talent- Acting, of course. I want to scream, I want to rip my hair off, then my sister's for keeping shut when I was going through hell, then my brother too, for looking like an insomniac, then my dad for his unneeded support and finally my dear ammi for saying all those stupid things esp the happiness part. But no I refrained from doing that, I want to handle this like a civilized college grad. Yo! I'm a grad, well not officially but, literally on point.

Baba's voice brought me back to cosmos. " Dear please think this through, I know I am the last person you would want to take a piece of advice from, or even listen to. But please do listen".

Awwn that got me tearing up, in my mind, dummy.

"Ji? (Yes?)"

"I want you to calm down and think straight, you know you have to get married, you're completing half your Deen remember. It's Sunnah, and that will bring you rewards you would never know" okay guys not this card, is that some sort of blackmail? Coz if it is. Then it's sure as hell working.

"Our marriage with your ammi might not be a successful one in your eyes but we used to love each other, I do even now" awwn is that a confession? My poor ammi was even tearing up. Muttering something along the lines of ... 'Ahmed please, not in front of the kids'.

"I have to say this in front of you all, some things are better left unsaid but I want you, my children to learn from my mistake, I might not look like it, but I have changed and for the better, your ammi needs me now more than ever, please let's live a happy life once again, like a family"

Adeel, Safi and ammi were crying even baba, while I was in la la Land, thinking about why baba said ammi needs him. I know she's forgiven him, and I know they've reconciled and sorted their differences but man Im still not convinced. It feels like there's more that meets the eye. More!

End of flashback

How did it even reach there. Weren't they talking about my marriage. God my family is impossibleeee. The drama lasted quite a while. Well that's what brought me to my car and then on the road. It's much more relaxing here, no drama, no fuss, no waterworks and definitely no guilt.

Baba's face was what I could not forget, he was remorseful believe me he still is. I could see guilt. He knew he did wrong to ammi and to us too. My question is why today, why now and why me. Why did my 'marriage' bring this. Is this a sign from the almighty that I should go ahead. Ughhhhhh no. It's freaking frustrating in here.

Peem peem. Gosh these cars, can't they just be patient. I am thinking here for crying out loud. Ughhhhhh.

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