if wishes were horses

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"Aysha come, sit with me" baba patted the spot beside him. There she sat and he held her hands.

"Ahmed the kids are watching stop" Ammi said trying hard to hide her crimson cheeks.

" It's been 17 years but you do not fail to blush Everytime" Baba said while caressing her hair

" Oh stop it you are making it hard for me to think straight my love" Ammi blurted out those words without thinking

Darkness crept after what felt like silence and I realised it was a dream coz it really couldn't be reality. Ammi and baba, and love? am I really using my sixth sense? You've given me everything Allah why not them, my parents. I wake up everyday hoping and wishing to have a peaceful surrounding and scenery but no, hell no! my dad and mom can't just be in good terms. It's really unfortunate man, really painful, and it hurts to choose whose side to finally be on, man! "If wishes were horses" she thought

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