Hareem Abdullah zaib

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Hareem is the daughter of Ahmed Abdullah Zaib and Aysha farouq Hameed. Hareem is the eldest of 3 chidren.

Her siblings Adeel and safiya are 16 and 19 years respectively. Hareem is 23 and studying cardiothoracic surgery in college.

Hareem and her family grew up in the states.Her dream is to see her ammi and baba in good terms, there lied her happiness.

Hareem got up after what felt like years. She went through her things and grabbed her toileteries. She brushed her perfect whites and performed wudu after waking safiya up.

She waited for her sister and then both girls offered sallah. She went downstairs after sallah and woke adeel.

He annoyingly got up, brushed and immediately ran off to the masjid. Her baba was gone for sallah and her ammi was already preparing breakfast.

She greeted ammi and helped her set the table. The family of 5 ate in silence while hareem was busy gulping down the lump in her throat which was so hard to savour.

She hastily put down her cutleries and rushed to the bathroom downstairs. She puked her guts and cried her heart out.

It was too much to take. Her baba and ammi were there, so close yet too far. She had forgotten when last they talked properly.

It was very painful, she always asks allah why he made her life an abyss in hell. She was living her life for them but there was no "them". they were nothing close to "them".

They were more like "he" and "she". Nothing personal. She cried bitterly, it was a heart clenching sight.

Safiya heard hareem's sniffing from the bathroom and rushed in there meeting a rosy cheeked hareem.

Safiya asked her why she was like that and hareem said it was nothing but a visit from mother nature, that it was her period.

Safiya didnt think much about it. She made a 180band retrieved a pack of pain killers and shoved it to hareem.

Hareem smiled inwardly and collected it. After grabbing her shower she made her way out of the house after saying her salams.

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